Xiao Zhan Lyrics
我管你 [Cover] [I don't care] [wǒ guǎn nǐ ] lyrics
我不大接受 什么被委屈别还手 我不太能够 顺应所谓的大潮流 Hey come on Hit the sound 花臂或刺头 应该没说明我所有 我不找借口 懂的人自然能看透 没想辩解太多 别用外表解说我 误解不愿反驳 我拒绝只谈如果 我管你的感受 我管你的感受 我管你的感受 我管你的感受 管你什么想法...
我管你 [Cover] [I don't care] [wǒ guǎn nǐ ] [Russian translation]
我不大接受 什么被委屈别还手 我不太能够 顺应所谓的大潮流 Hey come on Hit the sound 花臂或刺头 应该没说明我所有 我不找借口 懂的人自然能看透 没想辩解太多 别用外表解说我 误解不愿反驳 我拒绝只谈如果 我管你的感受 我管你的感受 我管你的感受 我管你的感受 管你什么想法...
平凡之路 [Live] [Ordinary Path] [píng fán zhī lù] lyrics
肖:徘徊着的在路上的 你要走吗 Via Via 易碎的骄傲着 那也曾是我的模样 白:沸腾着的不安着的 你要走吗 Via Via 谜一样的沉默着的 故事你真的在听吗 夏:我曾经跨过山和大海 也穿过人山人海 白:我曾经拥有着的一切 转眼都飘散如烟 肖:我曾经失落失望 失掉所有方向 彭:直到看见平凡 才是...
平凡之路 [Live] [Ordinary Path] [píng fán zhī lù] [Russian translation]
肖:徘徊着的在路上的 你要走吗 Via Via 易碎的骄傲着 那也曾是我的模样 白:沸腾着的不安着的 你要走吗 Via Via 谜一样的沉默着的 故事你真的在听吗 夏:我曾经跨过山和大海 也穿过人山人海 白:我曾经拥有着的一切 转眼都飘散如烟 肖:我曾经失落失望 失掉所有方向 彭:直到看见平凡 才是...
Xiao Zhan - Close To You [Cover]
Why do birds suddenly appear Everytime you are near Just like me they long to be Close to you Why do stars fall down from the sky Everytime you walk b...
Close To You [Cover] [Russian translation]
Why do birds suddenly appear Everytime you are near Just like me they long to be Close to you Why do stars fall down from the sky Everytime you walk b...
Faded [Cover] lyrics
You were the shadow to my light Did you feel us Another star You fade away Afraid our aim is out of sight Wanna see us Alive Where are you now Where a...
Faded [Cover] [Russian translation]
You were the shadow to my light Did you feel us Another star You fade away Afraid our aim is out of sight Wanna see us Alive Where are you now Where a...
High歌 [Cover] [High gē] lyrics
Everybody put your hands up This is showtime Everybody put your hands up Let's go Everybody put your hands up Everybody put your hands up mountain top...
High歌 [Cover] [High gē] [Russian translation]
Everybody put your hands up This is showtime Everybody put your hands up Let's go Everybody put your hands up Everybody put your hands up mountain top...
Love Me Do lyrics
Love love me do You know I love you I’ll always be true So please Love me do Love love me do You know I love you I’ll always be true So please love me...
Love Me Do [Russian translation]
Love love me do You know I love you I’ll always be true So please Love me do Love love me do You know I love you I’ll always be true So please love me...
Why Nobody Fights+Checkmate [Cover] lyrics
Why why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why why nobody fights Why nobody f...
Why Nobody Fights+Checkmate [Cover] [English translation]
Why why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why why nobody fights Why nobody f...
Why Nobody Fights+Checkmate [Cover] [Russian translation]
Why why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why nobody fights Why why nobody fights Why nobody f...
中华力量 [Power of China] [zhōng huá lì liàng] lyrics
举起拳 每颗星光芒万丈 生长的骄傲挺立胸膛 红日上 高高飘扬的信仰 做个顶天立地的栋梁 放眼望 山和海万峰叠嶂 澎湃的荣光奔向东方 天地间 国立天下的榜样 梦想百年 燃烧太阳 风华正茂的激荡 我要强 昂首怒放 国要强 中华力量 我为国强 国为我强 我心向往 竞飞翔 我要强 铁骨脊梁 国要强 大国泱泱...
光点 [Spotlight / Made To Love] [Guāng diǎn] lyrics
相信自己的直觉 从未曾改变 最初的那张脸 经历多少次更迭 太多无法预言 安静跨越 迎接未来不管多遥远 用特写放大着每一天 每一刻都要燃烧沸点 That we’ve got one life one world So let’s come together We’ll weather the stor...
光点 [Spotlight / Made To Love] [Guāng diǎn] [English translation]
相信自己的直觉 从未曾改变 最初的那张脸 经历多少次更迭 太多无法预言 安静跨越 迎接未来不管多遥远 用特写放大着每一天 每一刻都要燃烧沸点 That we’ve got one life one world So let’s come together We’ll weather the stor...
光点 [Spotlight / Made To Love] [Guāng diǎn] [Russian translation]
相信自己的直觉 从未曾改变 最初的那张脸 经历多少次更迭 太多无法预言 安静跨越 迎接未来不管多遥远 用特写放大着每一天 每一刻都要燃烧沸点 That we’ve got one life one world So let’s come together We’ll weather the stor...
光点 [Spotlight / Made To Love] [Guāng diǎn] [Russian translation]
相信自己的直觉 从未曾改变 最初的那张脸 经历多少次更迭 太多无法预言 安静跨越 迎接未来不管多遥远 用特写放大着每一天 每一刻都要燃烧沸点 That we’ve got one life one world So let’s come together We’ll weather the stor...
Xiao Zhan
Chinese, English
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