Paul Revere & The Raiders Lyrics
Indian Reservation
They took the whole Cherokee nation Put us on this reservation Took away our ways of life The tomahawk and the bow and knife Took away our native tong...
Indian Reservation [French translation]
Ils ont pris toute la nation Cherokee Ils nous ont mis dans cette réserve Ils nous ont enlevé notre façon de vivre Le tomahawk, l'arc, le couteau Ils ...
Indian Reservation [German translation]
Sie nahmen die gesamte Cherokee-Nation Und steckten uns in dieses Reservat Sie nahmen uns unsere Lebensweise Das Tomahawk und den Bogen und das Messer...
Indian Reservation [Russian translation]
Они людей Чероки взяли И в резервации загнали, Образ жизни наш отняв: Стрелы, лук и томагавк. Запретили наш язык, На английский заменив. Нынче бусы на...
Indian Reservation [Russian translation]
Поместили всех людей чероки оставив нас на этой резервации. Запретили наш образ жизни - томагавки, лук и стрелы и ножи. Наш родной язык запретили. И н...
Indian Reservation [Spanish translation]
Tomaron la nación Cherokee entera Nos metieron en esta reserva Nos quitaron nuestro modo de vida El tomahawk 1 y el arco y la cuchilla Nos quitaron nu...
Good Thing lyrics
Seems this world has got you down You're feeling bad vibrations frown Well, open your eyes, girl, look at me (look at me) I'm gonna show you how it ou...
Hungry lyrics
Girl, you got this need to know what I'm all about There's something that you dig, you can't figure out Well, now you wanna know what moves my soul An...
Kicks lyrics
Girl, you thought you found the answer on that magic carpet ride last night but when you wake up in the mornin' the world still gets you uptight. Well...
Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon lyrics
Life is bringing you so down You don't think you can make it Every night is a show down Every day, you just fake it Let me show you a new place If you...
Paul Revere & The Raiders
United States
Pop-Rock, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
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Ki vagy te, rajtad áll [Know Who You Are] [Finnish translation]
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Know Who You Are [Hungarian translation]
Jij weet wie je bent [Know who you are] [English translation]
Know Who You Are [Hungarian translation]
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Know Who You Are [Serbian translation]
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Ki vagy te, rajtad áll [Know Who You Are] [Japanese translation]
Know Who You Are [French translation]
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