Brenda Lee Lyrics
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Croatian translation]
Plešemo oko božićnog drvca na božićnoj igranci Imela visi gore gdje je možemo vidjeti i ispod nje svi parovi žele stati Plešemo oko božićnog drvca nek...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [German translation]
Rocken um den Weihnachtsbaum Beim Weihnachtsfeier-Tanz Mistelzweige, wo du auch hinschaust Jedes Paar versucht anzuhalten Rocken um den Weihnachtsbaum...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Greek translation]
Ροκάροντας γύρω από το χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο Στο χριστουγεννιάτικο πάρτυ χορού Γκι, κρεμασμένα, όπου μπορείς να δεις Κάθε ζευγάρι προσπαθεί να σταμ...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Romanian translation]
Învârtindu-ne în jurul bradului de Crăciun La petrecerea de Crăciun Vâscul e agăţat acolo unde vedeţi că Fiecare cuplu încearcă să se oprească. Învârt...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Spanish translation]
Bailando alrededor del árbol de Navidad En la fiesta bailable de Navidad Hay muérdago colgando, donde se puede ver Todas las parejas tratan de parar.*...
Rocking around the Christmas Tree [Turkish translation]
Noel ağacının etrafında geziniyorum Noel parti hop'un da Ökseotu görebileceğiniz yerlerde asılı Her çift durmaya çalışıyor Noel ağacının etrafında dur...
Always on My Mind lyrics
Maybe I didn't treat you Quite as good as I should have Maybe I didn't love you Quite as often as I could have Little things I should have said and do...
Always on My Mind [German translation]
Mag sein, ich behandelte dich Nicht ganz so gut, wie ich es gesollt hätte. Mag sein, ich liebte dich Nicht ganz so oft, wie ich es gekonnt hätte. Klei...
Always on My Mind [Turkish translation]
Belki sana Davranman gereken kadar iyi davranmadım Belki seni Sevebileceğim kadar sık sevmedim Söylemem ve yapmam gereken küçük şeyler Sadece hiç zama...
All Alone Am I
All alone am I ever since your goodbye All alone with just a beat of my heart People all around, but I don't hear a sound Just the lonely beating of m...
All Alone Am I [French translation]
Je suis toute seule depuis ton adieu Toute seule, juste avec un battement de cœur Des gens tout autour, mais j’entends pas un bruit Rien que le battem...
All Alone Am I [Greek translation]
Είμαι εντελώς μόνη μου μετά το αντίο σου Εντελώς μόνη, μαζί μόνο με τον χτύπο της καρδιάς μου Άνθρωποι παντού τριγύρω, αλλά δεν ακούω κανέναν άλλο ήχο...
All Alone Am I [Hungarian translation]
Egyedül vagyok a búcsú óta Egyedül, csak a szívverésem és én Emberek vesznek körül, de nem hallok hangot Csak a szívem ver magányosan Nincs semmi a ke...
All Alone Am I [Italian translation]
Sono da sola da quando sei andato via Sono da sola con un battito del mio cuore Gente tutto intorno ma io non sento un rumore Solo il battito solitari...
All Alone Am I [Romanian translation]
Sunt singură de când ţi-ai luat adio, Singură, doar cu bătaia singuratică a inimii mele, Oameni peste tot în jurul meu, dar eu n-aud niciun sunet Decâ...
All Alone Am I [Serbian translation]
Posve sam sama otkako si rekao doviđenja Posve sama,sa otkucajima svoga srca Ljudi svuda oko mene ali ja ne čujem nijedan zvuk Samo kucanje svog usaml...
All Alone Am I [Turkish translation]
Yapayalnızım hoşçakal dediğinden beri Yapayalnız kalbimin atışlarıyla sadece Her yerde insan ama bir ses bile duymuyorum Sadece kimsesiz kalbimin atış...
Fool Number One lyrics
Am I fool number one, or am I fool number two? How many other girls have been fooled by you? I suppose that the number is far from being small And I'l...
The End of the World lyrics
Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me anymore, yeah Why d...
The End of the World [Czech translation]
Proč slunce nadále svítí? Proč moře k břehům se řítí? Copak nevědí, že konec světa nastal, protože milovat jsi mě přestal? Proč ptáci nadále zpívají? ...
Brenda Lee
United States
English, German, French
Country music, Pop-Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Место на злосторот [Mesto na zlostorot] [Ukrainian translation]
Море, сокол пие [More, sokol pie] [Croatian translation]
Место на злосторот [Mesto na zlostorot] [English translation]
На Велигден сум се заљубил [Na Veligden sum se zaĺubil] [Ukrainian translation]
Место на злосторот [Mesto na zlostorot] lyrics
Море момче, бре будало, бре [More momče, bre budalo, bre] [English translation]
Море, сокол пие [More, sokol pie] lyrics
На Велигден сум се заљубил [Na Veligden sum se zaĺubil] [Turkish translation]
На Велигден сум се заљубил [Na Veligden sum se zaĺubil] [Russian translation]
Нај, нај [Naj, naj] [Serbian translation]
Popular Songs
Christmas Carols - The Friendly Beasts
На Велигден сум се заљубил [Na Veligden sum se zaĺubil] [Transliteration]
Нај, нај [Naj, naj] [Romanian translation]
Море момче, бре будало, бре [More momče, bre budalo, bre] [Greek translation]
На Велигден сум се заљубил [Na Veligden sum se zaĺubil] lyrics
Најдрага моја [Najdraga moja] lyrics
Beni Dertler Öldürmüş lyrics
На Велигден сум се заљубил [Na Veligden sum se zaĺubil] [English translation]
Нај, нај [Naj, naj] lyrics
Нај, нај [Naj, naj] [Transliteration]
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W dzień Bożego Narodzenia [English translation]
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder lyrics
You Are My All in All lyrics
We Come, O Christ, to You [Spanish translation]
When Morning Gilds the Skies lyrics
Who Is This, So Weak and Helpless lyrics
Who Is This, So Weak and Helpless [Spanish translation]
We Look Behind at All You've Done [Spanish translation]
When I See Your Love [Spanish translation]
W dzień Bożego Narodzenia lyrics