Cazzette Lyrics
Sólo para ti
I envy the way you can be who you're not And I stay whether you're cool or not Gently keeping my eyes wide shut God, help me, because I need your love...
Sólo para ti [Russian translation]
Я завидую тому, как ты моешь казаться той, которой ты не являешься И я остаюсь с тобой, не важно, хорошая ты или нет. Из осторожности держу глаза широ...
Blue Sky
[Verse] Lifetime waiting, getting busy with the numbers Suddenly the blue sky's gone Where's the blue sky, baby Where's the blue sky, blue sky, blue s...
Blue Sky [Hungarian translation]
[Vsz] Az élettartam vár, a számok elfoglalnak téged Hirtelen a kék ég elmegy Hol a kék ég, baby Hol a kék ég, kék ég, kék ég Az élettartam vár, a szám...
Blue Sky [Romanian translation]
[Verset] Așteptând o viață, ocupat cu numerele Deodată, cerul albastru a dispărut Unde e cerul albastru, iubito Unde e cerul albastru, cerul albastru,...
She Wants Me Dead lyrics
Woke up this morning with a gun to my head Somebody help me, she wants me dead Woke up this morning with the devil in my bed In the air, everywhere, i...
She Wants Me Dead [French translation]
Je me suis réveillé ce matin avec un flingue sur la tempe À l'aide, elle veut me tuer Je me suis réveillé ce matin avec le diable dans mon lit Dans l'...
She Wants Me Dead [German translation]
Ich bin heute Morgen mit einer Pistole an meinem Kopf aufgewacht Hilft mir jemand, sie will mich tot sehen Wachte heute Morgen mit dem Teufel in meine...
She Wants Me Dead [Italian translation]
Mi sono svegliato stamattina con una pistola alla testa Qualcuno mi aiuti, lei mi vuole morto Mi sono svegliato stamattina col diavolo nel letto Nell'...
She Wants Me Dead [Russian translation]
Проснулся этим утром с дулом у виска, Хоть кто-нибудь - помогите мне: она хочет отправить меня на тот свет. Проснулся этим утром с дьяволом в своей по...
She Wants Me Dead [Turkish translation]
Bu sabah kafama doğru bir silahla uyandım Biri bana yardım etsin, beni ölü istiyor Bu sabah yatağımda şeytanla uyandım Havada, her yerde, kafamdaki la...
Beam Me Up lyrics
Tonight we'll run away Speeding faster than a midnight train Somewhere to such a place Where the stars come out to light your face We'll leave behind ...
Blind Heart lyrics
You got me strung up like a puppet, Hung up on a thin, red line. You got me caught up in your loving, Stuck here in my love sick night. And I've been ...
Blind Heart [Italian translation]
Mi hai appeso ad una corda come un pupazzo Appeso ad una sottile linea rossa Mi hai intrappolato nel tuo amore Bloccato qui nella mia notte di folle a...
Sleepless lyrics
It kills my heart to see Your eyes no longer on me It's critical to me You stop messing with me It kills my hear to know You don't think this love cou...
Sleepless [Italian translation]
Mi fa a pezzi il cuore vedere Che i tuoi occhi non sono più su di me E' critico per me Che tu smetta di confondermi Mi fa a pezzi il cuore sapere Che ...
Sleepless [Turkish translation]
Görmek kalbimi öldürüyo Gözlerin benim üzerimde değil artık Ciddi bir durum benim için Benimle uğraşmayı bıraktın Bilmek kalbimi öldürüyo Bu aşkın büy...
Weapon lyrics
I'll do anything I'll do anything for you Compromise myself in a victim's solitude Being flexible was supposed to prove that I love you You take advan...
Weapon [Hungarian translation]
Mindent meg fogok tenni, mindent meg fogok tenni neked. Kiegyezek az áldozat magányos szerepével, rugalmas leszek annak érdekében hogy bizonyítsam, sz...
Dance, Electronica
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