Graham Nash Lyrics
Sad Eyes
In the morning light I once told you I will love you all of my life, Then I noticed that you were asleep, But I told you anyway You were lying warm an...
Sad Eyes [French translation]
Dans la lumière matinale, je t'ai déjà dit Que je t'aimerais toute ma vie Puis je me suis aperçu que tu étais endormie, Mais je te l'ai dit quand même...
Better Days lyrics
When your love has moved away You must face yourself and you must say I remember better days Don't you cry 'cause she is gone She is only moving on Ch...
Better Days [Russian translation]
Когда твоя любовь ушла Ты должен взглянуть в лицо самому себе и сказать Я помню лучшие дни Не плачь, потому что она ушла Она только двигается вперёд В...
I Used To Be A King lyrics
I used to be a king and everything around me turned to gold I thought I had everything and now I'm left without a hand to hold. But it's all right I'm...
Military Madness lyrics
In an upstairs room in Blackpool By the side of a northern sea The army had my father And my mother was having me Military madness was killing my coun...
Military Madness [Turkish translation]
Blackpool'da, üst kattaki odada Kuzey denizinin yanında Ordu babamı aldı Ve annem beni doğuruyordu Askeri delilik ülkemi öldürüyordu Tek başına hüzün ...
Prison song lyrics
One day a friend took me aside And said I have to leave you For buying something from a friend They say I've done wrong For protecting the name of a m...
Prison song [Greek translation]
Μια μέρα με τράβηξε στην άκρη ένας φίλος Και μου είπε, "πρέπει να σ' αφήσω" Επειδή αγόρασα κάτι από ένα φίλο, Λένε πως έκανα λάθος Επειδή προστατεύω τ...
Prison song [Persian translation]
یه روز یه دوستی کشیدم کنار و بهم گفت باید ترکت کنم سر خریدن یه چیزی از یه دوستی که میگن جرمی مرتکب شده م واسه حفظ نام یه مرد اونا میگن باید ترکت کنم، ...
Prison song [Turkish translation]
Bir gün bir arkadaşım beni kenara çekti Ve seni terk etmem gerek dedi Bir arkadaştan bir şey satın almak için Onlar benim yanlış yaptığımı söylediler ...
Simple Man lyrics
I am a simple man So I sing a simple song Never been so much in love And never hurt so bad At the same time I am a simple man And I play a simple tune...
Graham Nash
United Kingdom
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Triumph lyrics
The River Sings [English translation]
Water Shows The Hidden Heart [Portuguese translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Latvian translation]
Water Shows The Hidden Heart [Russian translation]
The River Sings [Hungarian translation]
Trains and Winter Rains [German translation]
Iran Iran 2014 lyrics
Ya me voy para siempre lyrics
'O surdato 'nnammurato
Popular Songs
The River Sings [Russian translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Tongan translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Romanian translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [German translation]
Whitney Houston - I'm Every Woman
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Catalan translation]
Trains and Winter Rains [Italian translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Italian translation]
Debaixo Dos Caracóis Dos Seus Cabelos lyrics
No Exit lyrics
Lord of the Lost
Encanto (OST)
Bülent Ersoy
Mari Boine
Pyx Lax
Ozzy Osbourne
Сударушка [Sudarushka] lyrics
Takin' shots lyrics
Белым снегом [Belym snegom] [Turkish translation]
Te extraño [Italian translation]
Нашей любви корабли [Nashey lyubvi korabli] lyrics
Белый конь - чёрный конь [Belyi kon' - chyornyi kon'] [English translation]
Белым снегом [Belym snegom] [Spanish translation]
А кто-то третий [A kto-to tretiy] lyrics
Белым снегом [Belym snegom] [Transliteration]
Ho una casa nell'Honan lyrics