Miss Mary Lyrics
Mă joc cu focul
Suntem oameni, ne-am iubit Am greșit și-am iertat Dar n-am uitat Nu ne-ajută nimeni Am luptat și am rezistat Dar acum, s-a terminat O minciună repetat...
Mă joc cu focul [German translation]
Wir sind Menschen, wir haben uns geliebt, Wir haben Fehler gemacht, wir haben uns verziehen, Doch vergessen haben wir nicht. Es hilft uns niemand. Ich...
Când soarele mă cheamă lyrics
Oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, Când soarele mă cheamă Dau o fugă pân’ la mare That’s right, that’s right Oh, oh, oh, Singin’ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Doar el mă încăl...
Când soarele mă cheamă [German translation]
Oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, Când soarele mă cheamă Dau o fugă pân’ la mare That’s right, that’s right Oh, oh, oh, Singin’ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Doar el mă încăl...
Écoute-moi lyrics
Plus rêver Je ne peux même plus manger C'est une course que tu m'as lancé Je vois pas la ligne d'arrivée Je sais plus quoi penser Tu as tellement chan...
I hate ya lyrics
Refren: If you really want me, she should be leaving, If you lean on me, think about it everyday, If you feel lonely, when you think out loud, If you'...
Lacrimi din stilou. lyrics
Iubirea se pierde, tu nu spui nimic Furtuna de lacrimi, asculta ce zic M-am ratacit, regret inzecit Lasa-ma sa iti explic eu Daca ma vei ierta, voi fi...
Lacrimi din stilou. [English translation]
Love is lost, you're not saying anything The storm of tears, listen to what I'm saying Sadly, I got lost ten times already Let me explain to you If yo...
Lacrimi din stilou. [Spanish translation]
El amor se pierde, tú no dices nada. Tormenta de lágrimas, escucha lo que digo. Me he perdido, desafortunadamente diez veces. Déjame que te lo expliqu...
Luna lyrics
Strofa I: Vine o vreme când, dragostea apune Si nu o pot opri, nici nu mă pot opune Și strig cu disperare, dar nimeni nu mă aude Nimeni nu mă ascultă,...
Luna [English translation]
(Verse I) : There comes a time when the love sets Then I can not stop it, nor I can stand against it. And I cry desperately, but nobody hears me Nobod...
Luna [Turkish translation]
Bir an gelir, aşk kaybolur O zaman onu ne tutabilirim, ne de karşı koyabilirim. Ve umutsuzca ağlarım, ama kimse beni duymaz... Kimse beni dinlemez, ki...
O lume doar a mea lyrics
Am vrut să te chem Dar nu ne mai știm Nu ne mai zâmbim deloc De toate fugim Și nu ne oprim Fără să vrem nu mai vorbim Nu ne mai privim în ochi Nu mai ...
O lume doar a mea [Dutch translation]
Ik wou je roepen Maar we kennen elkaar niet meer We lachen niet meer Lopen weg van alles En stoppen niet Zonder het te willen, praten we niet meer We ...
O lume doar a mea [English translation]
I wanted to call you But we don't know anymore We never smile anymore Always running And we don't stop Unwillingly, we don't talk anymore We don't loo...
Open lyrics
I always open my heart for everyone, Like a 24/7 they just take what they want I got hate I got passion, love on discount Shelves of emotions, I can d...
Open [Hungarian translation]
A szivem mindig nyitva áll mindenkinek, Mindenki azt vesz ki belőle amit akar. Kaptam már gyűlöletet, kaptam már szenvedélyt, leértékelt szerelmet. Ma...
Shadows lyrics
Run free and dive into the sky Hear the wind crying out it's prayer Why are we so ashamed to be alive? Break the chains and the freedom's ours to take...
Shadows [Greek translation]
Run free and dive into the sky Hear the wind crying out it's prayer Why are we so ashamed to be alive? Break the chains and the freedom's ours to take...
Shadows [Hungarian translation]
Run free and dive into the sky Hear the wind crying out it's prayer Why are we so ashamed to be alive? Break the chains and the freedom's ours to take...
Miss Mary
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