Paul McCartney Lyrics
Love Song to the Earth [Persian translation]
این یک نامه سرگشاده است از طرف من و تو با هم فردا در دستان ماست الان کلماتی که مهمتره رو پیدا کن اونها رو با صدای بلند بگو و به بهترین شکل از روی ماه ...
Ebony and Ivory lyrics
Ebony and ivory Live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard Oh Lord, why don't we? We all know That people are the same whereve...
Ebony and Ivory [Croatian translation]
Ebanovina* i bjelokost Idu zajedno u savršenom skladu Jedno uz drugo na tipkama moga klavira Oh Gospode, zašto mi ne? Mi svi znamo Da su ljudi isti gd...
Ebony and Ivory [Dutch translation]
Ebbenhout en ivoor leven samen in perfecte harmonie. Zij aan zij op het toetsenbord van mijn piano. Oh heer, waarom kunnen wij dat niet. We weten alle...
Ebony and Ivory [French translation]
Ebène et Ivoire Vivent ensemble en parfaite harmonie Côte à côte sur le clavier de mon piano Oh Seigneur, pourquoi ne faisons-nous pas pareil? Nous sa...
Ebony and Ivory [German translation]
Ebenholz und Elfenbein können friedlich beieinander sein, Seite an Seite auf meinem Keyboard. Herr, warum nicht wir? Du verstehst, dass Menschen gleic...
Ebony and Ivory [German translation]
Ebenholz und Elfenbein leben zusammen in perfekter Harmonie Seite an Seite auf meiner Klaviertastatur. Oh Herrgott, warum tun wir das nicht? Wir wisse...
Ebony and Ivory [Hungarian translation]
Éjsötét és hófehér, tudjuk: egymás nélkül mit sem ér. Mint a zongorahangok összefognak a dallamért. Bárhol is jársz, az emberek közt mindig embert tal...
Ebony and Ivory [Portuguese translation]
Negro e branco Vivemos juntos em perfeita harmonia Lado a lado no meu teclado de piano Oh Senhor, por que não nós? Todos sabemos Que as pessoas são as...
Ebony and Ivory [Romanian translation]
Abanos şi fildeş trăiesc împreună în armonie perfectă de-o parte şi de alta a claviaturii mele O, Dumnezeu, de ce nu? Noi toţi ştim că oamenii-s la fe...
Ebony and Ivory [Russian translation]
Черное и белое Нашу жизнь гармоничной делают Мир всегда среди клавиш будет Люди, нам бы так ! Мы похожи Известно всем давно хоть и разный цвет кожи В ...
Ebony and Ivory [Serbian translation]
Abonos i Slonovaca Zive zajedno u savrsenoj harmoniji Dirka uz dirku na mom klaviru O, Gospode, zasto ne bismo i mi? Svi znamo Da ljudi su isti kuda g...
What's That You're Doing? lyrics
What's that you're doing? Girl I like what you do to me What's that you're doing? 'Cos it makes no kind of sense to me You can make me feel so proud Y...
[I Want to] Come Home lyrics
For so long I was out in the cold And I taught myself to believe Every story I told It was fun hanging onto the moon Heading into the sun But it's bee...
[I Want to] Come Home [French translation]
For so long I was out in the cold And I taught myself to believe Every story I told It was fun hanging onto the moon Heading into the sun But it's bee...
[I Want to] Come Home [Greek translation]
For so long I was out in the cold And I taught myself to believe Every story I told It was fun hanging onto the moon Heading into the sun But it's bee...
[I Want to] Come Home [Portuguese translation]
For so long I was out in the cold And I taught myself to believe Every story I told It was fun hanging onto the moon Heading into the sun But it's bee...
222 lyrics
Look at that Look at her walking Turning my head Taking my breath away Look at that Look at her walking Turning my head Taking my breath away Look at ...
222 [Romanian translation]
Uită-te la [ea] Uită-te la ea mergînd Întorcînd-mi capul Tăiîndu-mi respirația Uită-te la [ea] Uită-te la ea mergînd Întorcînd-mi capul Tăiîndu-mi res...
3 Legs lyrics
Well, when I walk when I walk, Park my horse upon the hill (when I walk the horse upon a hill) When I walk, walk, walk, walk, Park my horse upon the h...
Paul McCartney
United Kingdom
English, French
Pop-Rock, Rock, Rock 'n' Roll
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