Shkurta Gashi Lyrics
Si dikur
[Shkurte Gashi:] 2x Hajde shpirt, ne si dikur Ti vendosim zemres gur 2x Kjo shoqni na mblodhi sonte Nuk e dine per ndarjen tone 2x Hajde shpirt, ne si...
Si dikur [English translation]
Come my heart, as before Let’s choose to make the heart like a stone The friendship has put us all together tonight they don’t know about our breakup ...
Tu luta
[Shkurta] Sa fortë të kam dashur? Sa fortë më ke dashtë? Sa here të pafjetur do ishim ne bashkë? [Flori] Unë botën shikoja vetëm në sytë e tu. Tani më...
Tu luta [English translation]
How strongly I loved you… How stronly you loved me… How many times (after having a) sleepless (night) We would be together. I used to see the world On...
Tu luta [English translation]
[Shkurta:] How strong i loved you How strong you loved me How many times without sleep We will be like this together [Flori:] I see the world Only in ...
Tu luta [German translation]
Wie stark meine Liebe zu dir war… Wie stark deine Liebe zu mir war… Wie viele schlaflose Nächte wir gemeinsam verbracht haben. Ich habe die Welt nur m...
Tu luta [German translation]
Wie sehr ich dich liebte Wie sehr du mich liebtest So oft ohne Schlaf Waren wir zusammen Habe die Welt nur in deinen Augen gesehen Noch glücklicher We...
Tu luta [Greek translation]
(S) Πόσο πολύ σε αγάπησα Πόσο πολύ με αγάπησες Πόσες φορές μείναμε ξάγρυπνοι Θα είμασταν μαζί (F) Όλο τον κόσμο στα μάτια σου μόνο κοιτούσα Τώρα χαρού...
Tu luta [Romanian translation]
Shkurta Cat de tare te-am iubit? Cat de tare m-ai iubit? De cate ori dupa nopti nedormite? Am fost impreuna? Flori: Eu vad lumea Doar in ochii tai Fer...
Jeten tende lyrics
[Verse 1: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno] Nuk po ndihem gjallë dhe pse frymë po marrë Sa vështirë me dashtë vetëm nga larg Zgjedh tjetër njeri, mua m'thu dashn...
Jeten tende [English translation]
[Verse 1: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno] I don't feel alive Even though I breathe How hard it is to love only from a distance You choose another person, but c...
Jeten tende [German translation]
[Verse 1: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno] Ich fühle mich nicht lebendig, auch wenn ich atme Wie schwer es ist, nur aus der Ferne zu lieben Entscheidest dich fü...
fol ta ka do zemra lyrics
fol ta ka do zemra nese sonte vjen afer meje dije mir se cka pres prej teje shum kam qef me pa sy me sy ooo e me u knac tu lujt vec me ty edhe pse end...
fol ta ka do zemra [English translation]
fol ta ka do zemra nese sonte vjen afer meje dije mir se cka pres prej teje shum kam qef me pa sy me sy ooo e me u knac tu lujt vec me ty edhe pse end...
Godet Shpirtin lyrics
Era dhe fjalet me mbeten Ndjenjat dhe malli me treten Trupin sot te ftohte e kam Akull zemra ime jam Ref : Ti se din, e vazhdon godet si thike Lodhet ...
Godet Shpirtin [English translation]
The wind and the words remain The feelings and mourn are lost My body today is cold My heart is ice Ref: You don't know, it continues to strike like a...
Godet Shpirtin [German translation]
Der Geruch und die Worte sind geblieben. Die Gefühle und die Sehnsucht haben mich verschmolzen. Mein Körper ist heute kalt, ich bestehe nur noch aus E...
mos me thuaj lantumir lyrics
Nese tka mbetur nje pik meshire mos me thuaj lamtumir Nese mke dashur ndojher ne jete falja mekatin zemres se shkret Nese mke dashur ndojher ne jete f...
mos me thuaj lantumir [English translation]
Nese tka mbetur nje pik meshire mos me thuaj lamtumir Nese mke dashur ndojher ne jete falja mekatin zemres se shkret Nese mke dashur ndojher ne jete f...
Nuk te fal lyrics
Ndalu pak ti zemra ime 1 minut ti them 2 fjalë Deri kur ti me gabime deri kur unë ty me t’fal? sa shumë po du e spo mundem këto fjalë pa ti thanë e di...
Shkurta Gashi
Pop, Pop-Folk
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