Aaron Neville Lyrics
Tell It Like It Is [Croatian translation]
Ako želiš nešto za igrat se idi i pronađi sebi igračku. Dušo, moje vrijeme je preskupo i nisam mali dječak. Ako si ozbiljna ne igraj se s mojim srcem,...
Tell It Like It Is [French translation]
Si tu veux un truc pour jouer va te chercher un jouet. Chérie, mon temps est trop précieux et je ne suis pas un petit garçon. Si tu es sérieuse, ne jo...
Tell It Like It Is [Italian translation]
Se vuoi qualcosa con cui giocare vai a trovarti un giocattolo. Bimba, il mio tempo è troppo costoso e io non sono un ragazzino. Se sei seria non gioca...
Tell It Like It Is [Romanian translation]
Dacă vrei ceva cu care să te joci, du-te şi ia-ţi o jucărie Iubire, timpul meu e prea scump iar eu nu sunt un puşti! Dacă eşti serioasă, nu te juca cu...
Tell It Like It Is [Serbian translation]
Ako želiš s nečim da se igraš Idi i nađi sebi igračku Mala, moje vreme je dragoceno I ja nisam neki mali dečak Ako si ozbiljna Nemoj se mojim srcem ig...
Tell It Like It Is [Spanish translation]
Si quieres algo con que jugar Vete a buscar un juguete Nena, mi tiempo es caro Y no soy tu niñito Si estás siendo sincera No juegues con mi corazón Me...
What Did I Do lyrics
Unbelievable, describes your smile so sweet Inconceivable, that you're a part of me Innocent look in your eyes Love without compromise for me It's a m...
What Did I Do [Dutch translation]
Ongelofelijk, beschrijft jouw lieve glimlach Onbegrijpelijk dat jij deel uitmaakt van mij Onschuldige blik in jouw ogen Liefde voor mij, zonder geven ...
What Did I Do [Romanian translation]
Ciudat, este zâmbetul tău, atât de dulce... De neînțeles, că TU ești o parte din mine, Privirea nevinovată din ochii tăi, Iubirea ta fără compromis pe...
Why Worry lyrics
There's no need for you to worry about anything Who can say what the future gonna bring But if you worry about tomorrow It will only bring you sorrow ...
Yes, i love you lyrics
I'm changing my mind, Never gonna learn about how to feel again Cause you, you've opened my heart, And I just can't hide, I love you still I know you ...
Yes, i love you [Romanian translation]
Má rázgândesc, Nu am de gand sá mai invát cum sá pun suflet din nou Cáci TU, mi-ai deschis inima, Si nu pot sá o ascund, incá TE IUBESC! Stiu cá vorbe...
Aaron Neville
United States
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Excellent Songs recommendation
I’ll Be Around lyrics
It's Easy to Remember [Spanish translation]
It's A Lonesome Old Town [Swedish translation]
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Killing Me Softly [Persian translation]
Just One of Those Things [Greek translation]
Saturday Night [Is The Loneliest Night In The Week] lyrics
Ya me voy para siempre lyrics
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! [Finnish translation]
Killing Me Softly [French translation]
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