Woodkid Featuring Lyrics
Karma lyrics
[Strofa 1: Mahmood] Sai che ti farei Ma c'è il coprifuoco dalle sei Mi si sono rotte le Buffalo Correndo per arrivare al Louvre Da te, ma non c'eri pi...
Karma [English translation]
[Verse 1: Mahmood] You know what I’d do to you But there is a curfew from six p.m. My Buffalo broke While running to get to the Louvre To you, but you...
Karma [English translation]
[Verse 1: Mahmood] You know I'd make it to you But there's a 7pm curfew My Buffalo trainers fell apart From running to get to Louvre To you, but you w...
Karma [Japanese translation]
マフムード) 君はぼくが何をするかわかる でも午後6時には外出禁止になる ぼくのバッファローは壊れた ルーブル(美術館)に行こうと走っている間に 君から でももういない 奴らがぼくに手錠をかけたと君は知っている 少しの雑草のために ぼくは嘘をついた ごめんね ぼくは声がない (仏語で)フランス語は話...
Karma [Serbian translation]
[Verse 1: Mahmood] Znaš šta bih uradio za tebe Ali policijski čas je od 6 Uništio sam svoje Buffalo Dok sam trčao prema Luvru Prema tebi, ali nisi viš...
Karma [Slovenian translation]
[Kitica 1: Mahmood] Veš, da bi prišel A policijska ura je od šestih Buffalo superge so se mi raztrgale Ko sem tekel, da pridem do Louvra Do tebe, a te...
Karma [Spanish translation]
[Estrofa 1: Mahmood] Sabes que te haría Pero hay toque de queda desde las seis Mi Buffalo se rompió Corriendo para llegar al Louvre De ti, pero no est...
Guns for Hire
Hold the die, your turn to roll Before they fall through your fingers Not a good night to lose control Right as the earth is unraveling You play with ...
Guns for Hire [Portuguese translation]
Hold the die, your turn to roll Before they fall through your fingers Not a good night to lose control Right as the earth is unraveling You play with ...
Guns for Hire [Russian translation]
Hold the die, your turn to roll Before they fall through your fingers Not a good night to lose control Right as the earth is unraveling You play with ...
Guns for Hire [Russian translation]
Hold the die, your turn to roll Before they fall through your fingers Not a good night to lose control Right as the earth is unraveling You play with ...
Guns for Hire [Spanish translation]
Hold the die, your turn to roll Before they fall through your fingers Not a good night to lose control Right as the earth is unraveling You play with ...
English, Russian
Alternative, Pop
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