Beyond the Black Lyrics
I Won't Surrender
The walls are moving in this room And I can hear their voices from outside There's shadows hanging on the moon Haven't seen sunlight forever And maybe...
Beyond the Mirror lyrics
You mime the look that you see in my eyes You hide your ego behind your disguise If I could reach you I'd join in your shadow game Stay in your frame ...
Beyond the Mirror [Turkish translation]
Gözlerimde gördüğün bakışı taklit ediyorsun Egonu maskenin arkasına saklıyorsun Eğer sana erişebilseydim Senin gölge oyununa katılırdım Senin çerçeven...
Coming Home lyrics
A horde, familiar strangers Affliction, evil eyes Anxiety, my mentor Born and raised upon your isle My soul will soon be eaten By the vultures of the ...
Fall Into Flames lyrics
The darkest night, can't close my eyes Sleep is weak I'm hypnotized, it's do or die I feel your heat I think it's time to tear through these chains We...
Forget My Name lyrics
The autumn trees have shed their leaves A cloudy sky is riddled within your grief Don't watch me go out in the rain The days we lost will never come a...
Forget My Name [Polish translation]
Jesienne drzewa zrzuciły liście Pochmurne niebo zroszone twym żalem Nie patrz, gdy w deszcz odchodzę Dni nasze stracone nigdy nie wrócą Znikam, niczym...
Golden Pariahs lyrics
Golden pariahs, golden pariahs We'll be your last way out when you're losing control We'll be the spark of hope when your story is told You'll be save...
Heart of the Hurricane lyrics
Wide eyes, dark skies Something's screamin' inside So free fall into the night storm Face your demons tonight Oh there is no way to hide it Now all th...
Heaven in Hell lyrics
Though I shut the box Still I hear it One voice through the lock In its song, a prophecy Why must it haunt me? Why does it want me? Every night, I'm d...
Horizons lyrics
Horizons, horizons, horizons Come with me For we're the ones to see the light Come with me Beyond horizons through the night Anything that lies within...
Human lyrics
I can hear all those many voices fighting Every time I wake up, I'm someone new In the end I don't feel like I'm deciding Nothing more than a blank sp...
Human [Spanish translation]
Puedo escuchar todas esas voces peleando Cada vez que despierto, soy una persona nueva Al final no siento que esté decidida No soy mas que una mente e...
Human [Turkish translation]
Tüm o kavga seslerini duyabiliyorum Her uyandığımda, yeni biriyim Sonunda karar veriyormuş gibi hissetmiyorum Boşluktan başka bir şey göremiyorum Önüm...
In the Shadows lyrics
Now we’re standing here together At the crystal borderline All my memories are shattered Nothing’s left of what was mine I’m tryin’ to hold you But yo...
In the Shadows [German translation]
Zusammen stehen wir hier An der kristallgläsernen Grenze All meine Erinnerungen wurden zerschmettert Mir bleibt nichts mehr Ich versuche dich zu halte...
In the Shadows [Italian translation]
Ora siamo qui in piedi insieme Al confine cristallino Tutti i miei ricordi sono in frantumi Non è rimasto nulla di ciò che era mio Sto cercando di str...
Lost in Forever lyrics
Another daybreak Another dawn to waste away Another struggle in vain Out of the empty From out the void to die again What is the reason, the gain Some...
Love Me Forever lyrics
Love me forever or not at all End of our tether, backs to the wall Give me your hand, don’t you ever ask why Promise me nothing, live till we die [Cho...
Love Me Forever [Italian translation]
Amami per sempre o non amarmi affatto La fine del nostro legame, spalle al muro Dammi la tua mano, non chiedere mai il perché Non promettermi nulla, v...
Beyond the Black
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