Winona Oak Also Performed Pyrics
Billie Eilish - Your Power
[Chorus] Try not to abuse your power I know we didn't choose to change You might not wanna lose your power But having it's so strange [Verse 1] She sa...
Your Power [Arabic translation]
[كورس] حاول ألّا تسيء استخدام قوّتك أعلم أنّنا لم نختر التغيّر ربما لا تريد أن تخسر قوّتك ولكنه شيء غريب جدًا [مقطع١] قالت بأنك كنت بطلًا، لَعِبت الدو...
Your Power [Azerbaijani translation]
[Chours] Gücünü pis görmə Bilirəm dəyişməyi biz seçmədik Sən gücünü itirmək istəməyə bilərsən Amma buna sahib olmaq çox yad bir hissdir [Verse 1] O sə...
People Help the People [German translation]
Gott weiß was sich in diesen schwachen und betrunkenen Herzen versteckt. Ich schätze, du hast Mädchen geküsst und auch zum weinen gebracht, diese ausd...
People Help the People [Greek translation]
Ο Θεός ξέρει τι κρύβεται σε αυτές τις αδύναμες και μεθυσμένες καρδιές Υποθέτω πως φίλησες τα κορίτσια και τα έκανες να κλάψουν Αυτές τις σκληρά αντιμέ...
People Help the People [Greek translation]
Ο Θεός γνωρίζει τι κρύβεται πισ' απ' αυτές τις άρρωστες και μεθυσμένες καρδιές Πιστεύω πως όταν φίλησες κάποιο κορίτσι, εκείνο δάκρυσε Όλες αυτές τις ...
People Help the People [Greek translation]
Μόνο ο Θεός ξέρει τι κρύβει σε αυτές τις αδύναμες και μεθυσμένες καρδιές Υποθέτω ότι φίλησες τα κορίτσια και τα έκανες να κλάψουν Αυτές οι ψυχρές βασί...
People Help the People [Hungarian translation]
Isten tudja, mi rejtőzik a gyenge és ittas szívekben. Azt hiszem, megcsókoltad a lányokat, és megríkattad őket, A balszerencse kemény tekintetű király...
People Help the People [Italian translation]
Dio solo sa cosa si nasconde dietro quei deboli cuori ubriachi. Credo abbia baciato le ragazze e le abbia fatte piangere, quelle crudeli regine della ...
People Help the People [Italian translation]
Dio sa cosa si nasconde in questi cuore ubriachi e deboli credo che tu hai baciato delle ragazze e le hai fatte piangere quelle Regine dalla Faccia To...
People Help the People [Polish translation]
Bóg jedyny wie, co kryje się w tych słabych i upojonych sercach Domyślam się, że on całował dziewczyny i doprowadzał je do płaczu Te oziębłe królowe n...
People Help the People [Portuguese translation]
Deus sabe o que se esconde naqueles corações fracos e embriagados Acho que ele beijou as garotas e as fez chorar Aquelas Rainhas Endurecidas das desve...
People Help the People [Romanian translation]
Domnu' știe ce se află în acele slabe și amăgite inimi, Pare-se a sărutat fete, și-a făcut a plânge, Acele întruchipări1 ale reginelor nepătate de neș...
People Help the People [Romanian translation]
Dumnezeu ştie ce se-ascunde în acele inimi slabe şi bete, Cred c-a sărutat fetele şi le-a făcut să plângă, Acele regine cu chipuri aspre ale nefericir...
People Help the People [Russian translation]
Бог знает, что сокрыто в тех слабых пьяных сердцах, Я догадываюсь: он целовал девушек и доводил их до слез, Этих Королев несчастья с каменными лицами....
People Help the People [Serbian translation]
Bog zna šta se krije iza tih slabih i pijanih srca Predpostavljam da poljubis devojke i rasplačeš ih One bezosećajne kraljice zabave Bog zna šta se kr...
People Help the People [Spanish translation]
Dios sabe lo que se esconde en esos corazones débiles y borrachos Supongo que besó a las chicas y las hizo llorar Esas Reinas Severas del infortunio D...
People Help the People [Turkish translation]
Tanrı bilir bu zayıf ve sarhoş kalplerde nelerin saklandığını Sanırım kızları öptü ve onları ağlattı Bu sert bakışlı kaza kraliçeleri Tanrı bilir bu z...
People Help the People [Turkish translation]
Tanrı şu güçsüz ve sarhoş kalplerin içinde neyin saklandığını bilir sanırım kızları öptün ve onları ağlattın şu aksiliğin SertYüzlü Kraliçeleri Tanrı ...
People Help the People [Vietnamese translation]
Chúa mới biết cái gì đang ẩn nấp trong những trái tim yếu ớt và say xỉn đó Tôi đoán rằng anh ta hôn những cô gái rồi khiến họ bật khóc Những bà hoàng ...
Winona Oak
Dance, Electronica, Pop, Singer-songwriter
Excellent Songs recommendation
Know Who You Are [Hungarian translation]
Know Who You Are [Dutch translation]
Know Who You Are [Spanish translation]
[You're the] Devil in Disguise lyrics
Ki vagy te, rajtad áll [Know Who You Are] lyrics
Ka loa nō [How far I'll go] [Hungarian translation]
Jij weet wie je bent [Know who you are] [Russian translation]
Know Who You Are [Spanish translation]
Know Who You Are [Malay translation]
Ki Uta E [Finale] [We Know The Way [Finale]] lyrics
Popular Songs
Know Who You Are [Catalan translation]
Know Who You Are [Greek translation]
Know Who You Are [Hungarian translation]
Ka loa nō [How Far I'll Go [reprise]] lyrics
Ka loa nō [How Far I'll Go [reprise]] [English translation]
Jij weet wie je bent [Know who you are] [French translation]
Ka ʻIke Naʻau [Know who you are] lyrics
Ki vagy te, rajtad áll [Know Who You Are] [Finnish translation]
Le Temps Des Fleurs lyrics
Kes oled sa [Know who you are] [English translation]
Monty Datta
PUP (South Korea)
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Carly Paoli - Arrivederci Roma
Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety [OST] - Kaun Nachdi
Ex Love lyrics
Torches [Turkish translation]
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Mau y Ricky - No Puede Ser
Shule Aroon lyrics
Stranger [Turkish translation]
Unsteady [Hungarian translation]
Lauretta mia lyrics