The Lumineers Lyrics
Dead Sea [Slovenian translation]
Zaman sem stal sam na peronu Portoričani, igrali so svojo salso v dežju Z odprtimi vrati in ključavnicami Na parkiriščih restavracij s hitro hrano Odp...
Dead Sea [Spanish translation]
Me quedé solo en el andén en vano lo puertorriqueños estaban bailando salsa en la lluvia con las puertas abiertas y cerrojos manuales en los parkings ...
Dead Sea [Turkish translation]
Platform üzerinde tek başıma boş boş durdum. The Puerto Ricans yağmur altında salsa oynuyordu. Açık kapıları ve manuel kilitleriyle, Fast foot otopark...
Democracy lyrics
It's coming through a hole in the air From those nights in Tiananmen Square It's coming from the feel that this ain't exactly real Or it's real, but i...
Donna lyrics
It's not the words you say but how you say it I saved the picture where your hair was braided They found your wallet in the cemetery You told your dau...
Donna [Finnish translation]
Se ei johdu sanoista, jotka sanot, vaan tavasta jolla ne sanot Säästin kuvan, jossa hiuksesi olivat leteillä He löysivät lompakkosi hautausmaalta Kerr...
Donna [Greek translation]
Δεν είναι τα λόγια που λες αλλά πώς το λες Κράτησα τη φωτογραφία στην οποία τα μαλλιά σου ήταν σε πλεξίδα Βρήκαν το πορτοφόλι σου στο νεκροταφείο Είπε...
Donna [Italian translation]
Non sono le parole che dici ma come le dici Ho salvato la foto in cui i tuoi capelli erano intrecciati Hanno trovato il tuo portafoglio nel cimitero H...
Donna [Slovenian translation]
Niso pomembne besede, marveč kako jih izgovoriš Shranil sem sliko, na kateri imaš lase spletene v kito Tvojo denarnico so našli na pokopališču Hčeri s...
Donna [Spanish translation]
No son las palabras que dices sino el cómo las dices He guardado la foto en la que tu pelo estaba trenzado Encontraron tu cartera en el cementerio Le ...
Donna [Turkish translation]
Söylediğin kelimeler değil, onları nasıl söylediğin Saçının örülü olduğu resmi kurtardım Cüzdanını mezarlıkta buldular Kızına sıradan olduğunu söyledi...
Elouise lyrics
If you're down on your luck, don't get down on yourself It won't do you no good 'Cause I've been there before, for a hundred wars And I'm still fighti...
Elouise [Italian translation]
Se sei sfortunata, non buttarti giù Non ti farebbe del bene Perché io ci sono già passato, per un centinaio di guerre E sto ancora combattendo per te ...
Elouise [Slovenian translation]
Če nimaš sreče, se nikar ne jezi nase Čisto nič ti ne bo pomagalo Ker sem že bil skozi to, se boril v stotih vojnah In se še vedno borim zate Elouise,...
Elouise [Spanish translation]
Si tienes mala suerte, no te vengas abajo no te hará bien porque he estado ahí antes, en 100 guerras y todavía estoy peleando por tí Elouise ¿por qué ...
Everyone Requires A Plan lyrics
He whispers secrets through a thick mustache And she listens to him flicks her cigarette's ash And smoke hangs velvet curtains, and hides her lips And...
Flapper Girl lyrics
Cut off all of your hair Did you flinch, did you care Did he look, did he stop and stare At your brand new hair Local boy, local news Power lines hang...
Flapper Girl [French translation]
coupé tout tes cheveux as tu bronché, t'en souciais tu a t il regardé, s'est il arrêté et observé tes tout nouveau cheveux garçon du coin, nouvelles d...
Flapper Girl [Italian translation]
Tagliar via tutti i tuoi capelli ti ha fatto sussultare? Ti è importato? Lui ha guardato, si è fermato e ha fissato i tuoi capelli nuovi di zecca? Rag...
Flapper Girl [Spanish translation]
Córtate todo el pelo ¿Sentiste miedo, te importó? ¿Te miró, se detuvo y contempló tu nuevo corte de pelo? Chico de pueblo, noticias de pueblo Botas co...
The Lumineers
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Chanson d'automne [English translation]
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Les Passantes