Slade Lyrics
How Does It Feel
How does it feel, runnin' around, 'round, 'round? How does it feel, watching from upside down? 'Cause many years from now there will be new sensations...
How Does It Feel [Ukrainian translation]
Що то за відчуття, коли бігаєш навколо, по колу, по колу? Що то за почуття, коли дивишся згори додолу? Бо за багато років будуть нові відчуття І нові ...
Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody
Are you hanging up a stocking on your wall? It's the time that every Santa has a ball? Does he ride a red nosed reindeer? Does a 'ton up' on his sleig...
Merry Christmas Everybody [Czech translation]
Věšíš si na zeď punčochu? Je to čas, kdy každej Santa pořádá bál. Jezdí na sobovi s červeným nosem? Jezdí na svých saních nejmíň stovkou Udrží ho elfo...
Merry Christmas Everybody [Dutch translation]
Ga je een sok aan je muur hangen? Het is de tijd dat iedere Kerstman plezier heeft. Rijdt hij op een rendier met een rode neus? Rijdt hij honderd op z...
Merry Christmas Everybody [German translation]
Hängst du gerade einen Strumpf an der Wand auf? Ist es die Zeit an der jeder Weihnachtsmann Spaß hat? Reitet er ein rotnasiges Rentier? Packt eine ton...
Merry Christmas Everybody [Greek translation]
Κρεμάς την χριστουγεννιάτικη κάλτσα σου στον τοίχο; Είναι η εποχή που κάθε Άγιος Βασίλης έχει μια μπάλα; Βρίσκεται πάνω σε έναν τάρανδο με κόκκινη μύτ...
Merry Christmas Everybody [Russian translation]
Ты повесил чулок на стену ? Это время, когда каждый Санта-Клаус правит бал ? Едет ли он на красноносом северном олене ? Есть ли у него тонна подарков ...
Merry Christmas Everybody [Russian translation]
Ты вешаешь на стену носок для подарков? Это время, когда каждый Санта спешит на бал. Едет ли он на своем красноносом олене? Мчит ли на сумасшедшей ско...
Slade - Cum On Feel The Noize
Baby baby baby! Ee-ow... So you think I got an evil mind, well I'll tell you honey And I don't know why And I don't know why So you think my singing's...
Cum On Feel The Noize [Croatian translation]
Dušo dušo dušo! Ee-ov... Dakle misliš da imam zao um, Pa reći ću ti draga I ne znam zašto I ne znam zašto Dakle misliš da je moje pjevanje zastarjelo,...
Cum On Feel The Noize [German translation]
Baby, Baby, Baby! Du glaubst also ich wär ein Tunichtgut - Na, da kann ich dir was erzählen, Süße Aber ich weiß nicht warum Aber ich weiß nicht warum ...
Cum On Feel The Noize [Turkish translation]
Bebeğim, bebeğim! Ee-ow... Demek şeytani bir aklım olduğunu düşünüyorsun Pekala, sana söyleyeyim balım Ve neden, bilmiyorum Ve neden, bilmiyorum Demek...
All Join Hands lyrics
I remember the time when I saw you Standing there all alone in a crowd I remember the time coz we drunk too much wine We all join hands and we all joi...
All Join Hands [German translation]
Ich weiß gut, wie ich dich hab' gesehen Du standst da mittendrin so allein Und mir fällt wieder ein, oh, wir tranken viel Wein Wir reichen die Hand, w...
All Join Hands [Ukrainian translation]
Я пам'ятаю мить, коли побачив тебе, Стоячи на самоті у натовпі Я пам'ятаю, бо ми випили забагато вина Ми всі, візьмімося за руки, Ми всі, візьмімося з...
All The World Is A Stage lyrics
You are the eyes of the reader, I am the hand of the writer. Together we can fill up a page. You are the ears of the listener, I am the voice of the p...
All The World Is A Stage [Russian translation]
Смотришь глазами чтеца ты, Что я рукой написавши (Что написал я рукою) И вместе полним лист за листом. Слышишь ушами с вниманьем, Голос картины предст...
Angelina lyrics
I don't wanna do you no harm But sometimes I feel the weight of the world It's so heavy and it's bringing me down And I need you, I need you, girl Com...
Angelina [Portuguese translation]
Eu não quero te trazer nenhum problema Mas às vezes eu sinto o peso do mundo É tão pesado e está me derrubando E eu preciso de você, preciso de você, ...
United Kingdom
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Killing Me Softly [French translation]
It's Easy to Remember [Croatian translation]
Just One of Those Things [Greek translation]
Last Night When We Were Young [French translation]
Just One of Those Things [Dutch translation]
Iran Iran 2014 lyrics
Last Night When We Were Young [Spanish translation]
Killing Me Softly [Turkish translation]
It's A Lonesome Old Town [Swedish translation]
Killing Me Softly [German translation]
Popular Songs
Last Night When We Were Young [Russian translation]
It's Easy to Remember [Russian translation]
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! lyrics
I’ll Be Home For Christmas lyrics
It's Easy to Remember lyrics
Killing Me Softly [Persian translation]
You Send Me Flying [Cherry] lyrics
Jingle Bells lyrics
Alt blir en åpen dør [Love is an open door] lyrics
Whitney Houston - I'm Every Woman
Abdul Wahab Madadi
Secret Garden (OST)
Peng Liyuan
Demet Evgar
H Magnum
Murat Başaran
Empress Ki (OST)
The Chicks
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Slovenska veselica [Russian translation]
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Samo to [Russian translation]
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Boombox lyrics
Samo to lyrics
Praznik za ljubav lyrics
Living Proof lyrics
Kalokairi lyrics