Frightened Rabbit Lyrics
Poke at my iris Why can't I cry about this? Maybe there is something that you know that I don't We adopt brand new language Communicate through pursed...
Boxing Night lyrics
It’s Boxing Night I celebrate in style Boxer shorts and spirits floor littered with ghosts of bottles past There’s a naked hush Hold only a breath and...
Dead Now lyrics
I'm not myself, I am a broken boxer Stuffed with glass and sand This is not how health should feel Songs sung from the lungs of the elderly I'm dead n...
Dead Now [French translation]
Je ne suis pas moi-même, je suis un boxeur brisé Rempli de verre et de sable Ce n'est pas ainsi que devrait être la santé, Des chansons chantés par le...
Death Dream lyrics
It was dawn and the kitchen light was still on I stepped in and found a suicide asleep on the floor An open mouth, screams and makes no sound Apart fr...
Floating in the Forth lyrics
So you just stepped out of the front of my house And I'll never see you again I closed my eyes for a second And when they opened you weren't there And...
Get Out lyrics
I'm in the arch of the church Between her thumb and her forefinger I'm a worshipper A zealot king, cursed, A devotee of the heady golden dance she doe...
Good Arms vs. Bad Arms lyrics
Good arms versus bad arms will win hands down, down They are built to hold and fit, look how far they go around You don't need these now that you've f...
Good Arms vs. Bad Arms [Turkish translation]
İyi kollar kötü kollara karşı galip gelecek, şüphesiz ki Sıkı sıkıya tutunmak ve birbirlerini uymak için inşa edilmişler, ne kadar yaygın olduklarına ...
Head Rolls Off lyrics
Jesus is just a Spanish boy's name How come one man got so much fame? To enemy, is pointless to anybody That doesn't have faith Give me the cloth and ...
Head Rolls Off [Bosnian translation]
Isus je samo ime španskog dječaka Zašto je jedan čovjek stekao toliko slave? Napraviti neprijatelje, besmisleno je za svakoga Ko nema vjeru Daj mi krp...
Home From War lyrics
Here I stand like a soldier home from war With nothing to do but remember the shutter of bombs I’m sure it never quite goes away It never quite goes a...
Home From War [French translation]
Je suis ici, debout, comme un soldat de retour du front Avec rien d'autre à faire que de repenser à la détonation des bombes Je suis certain que ça ne...
I Feel Better lyrics
I left Howse without a fucking clue And left New York City, girl, without you But the sun does shine in this place some days And even when there's clo...
I Wish I Was Sober lyrics
Fall prey to the blizzard head Wrapped my hand around the glass again We all thought that I might change as I got older Fell down and nothing bled Wra...
If you were me lyrics
Time passes I accept the blame And i accept that you might never care to see me again At least I can shake off some shame Still Iquiver like a dying l...
If you were me [German translation]
Die Zeit vergeht Ich bekenne mich zu meiner Schuld Und ich akzeptiere, dass du mich vielleicht nie wieder sehen willst Wenigstens kann ich einen Teil ...
Keep Yourself Warm lyrics
My hole, I'll get my hole, I'll get my hole Get my hole, get my hole and I'll find out more. It's a choo-choo train, a rocket launch If we have a horm...
My Backwards Walk lyrics
I'm working on my backwards walk Walking with no shoes or socks And the time rewinds to the end of May I wish we'd never met, then met today I'm worki...
My Backwards Walk [Bosnian translation]
Vježbam moj unatražni hod Hodam bez cipela i čarapa I vrijeme se premota do početka maja Želio bih da se nismo nikada susreli, onda se sreli danas Rje...
Frightened Rabbit
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Ojos azules [French translation]
Δυστυχώς [Dystychós] lyrics
Me gustan los estudiantes [Que vivan los estudiantes]
Mi unicornio azul [Russian translation]
Ojos azules
Mi unicornio azul [French translation]
Αν δεις καράβι να περνά [An dís karávi na perná] lyrics
Ojos azules [English translation]
Oh, Melancolía lyrics
Misa Criolla [Hebrew translation]
Popular Songs
Mi unicornio azul [Italian translation]
Me gustan los estudiantes [Chinese translation]
Ariel Ramírez - Misa Criolla
Ojos azules [German translation]
Los Reyes Magos [English translation]
Ojos azules [Romanian translation]
Ντιρλαντά [Dirlada] lyrics
Yo canto la diferancia lyrics
Me gustan los estudiantes [Turkish translation]
Oh, Melancolía [English translation]
Gustavo Pena
Anjani Thomas
Lee Moon-se
The Great Seer (OST)
Queen Wei
Touch Acoustra
Machel Montano
She Is My Type (OST)
Gökyüzünde [Serbian translation]
Gökyüzünde [Russian translation]
Dreams lyrics
Wall Of Sound lyrics
Disco Kicks lyrics
En la Obscuridad lyrics
Kapat Perdelerimi lyrics
Aleni Aleni lyrics
Gökyüzünde [Spanish translation]
Korkar Uykusundan [Persian translation]