Jazzu Featuring Lyrics
Leon Somov - Noriu Miegoti
Daina susikurs tada kai tu manęs nemylėsi, Atgal kai tau manęs nereikės, Diena susikurs tada kai tu apsimesi, Kad miegi ir aš apsiverksiu Tau niekad n...
Noriu Miegoti [Czech translation]
Píseň se vytvoří tehdy, až mě nebudeš milovat nazpět Až mě nebudeš potřebovat Den se vytvoří, až budeš předstírat Že spíš, a já se rozpláču Nikdy neli...
Noriu Miegoti [English translation]
The song will be created when you won't love me Back then when you won't need me. The day will create itself when you will pretend That you sleep and ...
Leon Somov - Phantoms of the lake
When I'm away I'm still here Whispering your own poems To your ear. And when I'm gone You feel me near You let the night pass As you begin to count th...
Phantoms of the lake [Lithuanian translation]
Kai aš toli Aš vis dar esu čia Kuždu tavo sukurtus eilėraščius Tau į ausį Ir kai aš išeinu Tu jauti mane šalia Tu leidi nakčiai prabėgti Kai imi skaič...
Leon Somov - Po mano oda
Atimki dienas Paliki man naktis Aš noriu matyt Atmerki man akis Atriški rankas Ir kojos atsispirs Sukelki audras Bet tylą sugrąžink Priedainis: Po man...
Po mano oda [English translation]
Take away my days Leave me the nights I want to see Please open my eyes Untie my hands Andfeet will resist Stir up storms But return the silence Refra...
Leon Somov - Prediction
I didn't mean to cross the line Didn't mean to leave you I didn't mean to lose my mind I didn't I know exactly what you mean By saying lies You're my ...
Prediction [Lithuanian translation]
I didn't mean to cross the line Didn't mean to leave you I didn't mean to lose my mind I didn't I know exactly what you mean By saying lies You're my ...
Leon Somov - Sugalvoki Norą
aš sugalvosiu mus kitus, ne čia ir ne dabar. aš sugalvosiu mums vardus, tylos kalba. tu niekad neišeisi aš niekad neturėsiu laukti o, kad mane pakvies...
Sugalvoki Norą [English translation]
I will invent the new us, Not here and not now. I will invent names for us In the language of silence. You will never leave, I will never have to wait...
Leon Somov - Tik Pasilik
Aš numegsiu Tau kojines vilnones, kad šilta būtų. Aš išpildysiu Tavo norus, svajones. Gitara išmoksiu groti, lopšinę dainuoti, Plaukus nepešdama šukuo...
Tik Pasilik [Bulgarian translation]
Ще изплетя вълнени чорапи за теб, защото искам да ти е топло Ще изпълня всичките ти желания и мечти Ще се науча как да свиря на китара и да пея приспи...
Tik Pasilik [English translation]
I will knit woolen socks for you so thatit would be warm for you. I will fulfill your wishes and dreams I will learn how to play guitar,how to sing a ...
Leon Somov - Tyla
Aš pakeisiu tavo vardą ir savąjį paslėpsiu kur, dar nežinau Man nesvarbu kuo tu vardu, svarbu kad tu ir mes kartu Gulėsim nei kartu, nei vieniši ir ni...
Tyla [Bulgarian translation]
Ще променя името ти, а моето ще го скрия, просто все още не знам къде Не ме интересува къде е твоето име, важното е, че сме заедно Ние няма да лежим з...
Tyla [English translation]
I will change your name and I will hide mine, just I don't know yet where I don't care what is your name, it is important that we are together We will...
Tyla [English translation]
I will change your name and mine I will hide, just I don't know yet where I don't care what is your name, it is important that we are together We will...
Tyla [Polish translation]
Wymienię twoje imię a swoje ukryję tam gdzie, jeszcze nie wiem Dla mnie nie ważne jakie jest twoje imię, ważne że ty i my jesteśmy razem Będziemy leże...
Excellent Songs recommendation
Yüreğimden Tut [Arabic translation]
Söyleyemedim lyrics
Söyleyemedim [Hebrew translation]
Chi sarò io lyrics
Yüreğimden Tut [German translation]
Söyleyemedim [Russian translation]
Sevdam [French translation]
ЯТЛ [YATL] lyrics
Söyleyemedim [Greek translation]
Yarim şimdi neredesin lyrics
Popular Songs
My Lips Remember Your Kisses lyrics
Söyleyemedim [Persian translation]
Yüreğimden Tut lyrics
Söyleyemedim [French translation]
Sevdam [Bosnian translation]
Yüreğimden Tut [Hebrew translation]
Söyleyemedim [English translation]
Sevdam [English translation]
Söyleyemedim [Polish translation]
Söyleyemedim [Arabic translation]
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Debbie Davis
The Legend of Prince Valiant (OST)
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Невеста [Nevesta] lyrics
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Отпусти меня [Otpusti menya] [Portuguese translation]
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Отпусти меня [Otpusti menya] [French translation]