CYN Lyrics
Momenth of Truth
[Verse 1] It's time, time to do Something drastic, something new Right here and right now We need to find a way, somehow [Pre-Chorus 1] It's about rea...
Momenth of Truth [Russian translation]
[Verse 1] It's time, time to do Something drastic, something new Right here and right now We need to find a way, somehow [Pre-Chorus 1] It's about rea...
Alright lyrics
[Verse 1] Would be a perfect student An ideal contribution Yeah, she's a general nuisance Can't hold her tongue still An attitude adjustment, so neede...
Alright [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] Была бы превосходной студенткой С идеальными заслугами Да, она - главная зануда Не может держать язык за зубами Сейчас срочно нужно выяснит...
Alright [Spanish translation]
Sería un estudiante perfecto Una contribución ideal Sí, ella es una molestia general No puede mantener su lengua quieta Un ajuste de actitud, tan nece...
Angel lyrics
[Intro] You're an angel You're an angel I go to leave and then you put on your halo [Verse 1] I can't tell what's real or who you are Is this peaking?...
Believer lyrics
[Verse 1] There must be something in the air That I'm not breathing, I'm not receiving Something I must be unaware I got a feeling [Pre-Chorus] I am j...
Believer [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] Valaminek kell lennie a levegőben, amit nem lélegzek be, nem fogadom be. Valami, amiről nem kell tudnom. Van egy érzésem. [Pre-Chorus] Csak ...
Believer [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] Должно быть что-то в воздухе Из-за чего я не могу вдохнуть и не могу понять то, О чем я не должна знать У меня предчувствие [Распевка] Я пр...
Believer [Spanish translation]
Debe haber algo en el aire Que no estoy respirando, no estoy recibiendo Algo que no debo saber Tengo un sentimiento Solo soy una chica hastiada Me sie...
Believer [Turkish translation]
[Kısım 1] Ortalıkta dolaşan bir şeyler olmalı, Nefes alamadığım, kabul edemediğim Farkında olmam gereken bir şey Bir şeyler hissediyorum. [Nakarat Önc...
Bubble Bath lyrics
[Verse 1] I just checked in, I leave at 4 AM But I don't give a damn I'm bailing on my best friend from middle school But she'll understand (Grab the ...
Drinks lyrics
[Chorus] He got mad, so I got drinks No, I'm not walking around in circles worried about what he thinks Out with my friend, drinking a drink Alexis kn...
Holy Roller lyrics
[Verse 1] I walk through the valley of the shallow of death But I came to your apartment in a car with a dent Now I'm falling on your floor naked in a...
Holy Roller [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] Я шла по пустой долине смерти, Но приехала к тебе на машине с вмятиной. Теперь я падаю на пол, скрывая свое обнаженное тело под одеялом. Я ...
I Can’t Believe lyrics
[Verse 1] Don't worry babe, you were too busy and there are Other fish swimming, maybe I went skinny dipping! I'm tracking sand back from Santa Monica...
I’ll Still Have Me lyrics
[Verse 1] I broke my back 'cause I thought you would too I'd run in circles I thought you would too [Pre-Chorus 1] Maybe in another life Everything wo...
I’ll Still Have Me [German translation]
[1. Strophe] Ich habe mir den Rücken gebrochen, denn ich dachte, du würdest das auch Ich bin im Kreis gelaufen Ich dachte, du würdest das auch [1. Pre...
I’ll Still Have Me [Greek translation]
[Verse 1] Έβαλα τα δυνατά μου γιατί Νόμιζα ότι θα το έκανες κι εσύ Προσπαθούσα άσκοπα γιατί Νόμιζα ότι θα το έκανες κι εσύ [Pre-Chorus 1] Ίσως σε μία ...
I’ll Still Have Me [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] Mindent megtettem értünk, azt hittem te is megtennéd ugyanezt. Mindent értünk tettem, azt hittem te is megtennéd ugyanezt. [Pre-Chorus 1] Ta...
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Dance, Pop, R&B/Soul
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