Imagine Dragons Lyrics
All Eyes [Croatian translation]
Sve što kažeš Samo je laž I sad odlazim U grad gdje su ljudi Budni da bi ganjali san Koji nije stvaran I pretvaramo se da smo nešto Što nismo Samo žel...
All Eyes [French translation]
Tout ce que tu dis N'est qu'un mensonge Et maintenant je m'en vais Vers la ville où les gens Sont éveillés pour suivre leurs rêves C'est irréel Et nou...
All Eyes [German translation]
Alles was du sagt ist nur eine Lüge Und nun gehe ich zur Stadt, in welcher die Menschen wach sind, um nach einem Traum zu jagen das ist nicht echt und...
All Eyes [Hungarian translation]
Minden, amit mondasz Hazugság Ezért elmegyek A városba, ahol az emberek Egy olyan álmot üldöznek, Ami nem valódi És ahol úgy kell viselkednünk Amilyen...
All Eyes [Italian translation]
Ogni cosa che dici è solo una bugia e adesso io sto partendo per la città dove la gente è sveglia per inseguire un sogno che non è reale e noi ci spac...
All Eyes [Portuguese translation]
Tudo o que você diz É apenas mentira E agora eu estou saindo Para a cidade onde as pessoas Estão acordadas para perseguir um sonho Que não é real E nó...
All Eyes [Romanian translation]
Tot ce spui Este doar o minciună Și acum plec Către orașul unde oamenii Sunt conștienți să urmărească un vis Care nu e real Și noi "ne prefacem că sun...
All Eyes [Russian translation]
Все, что ты говоришь, - всего лишь ложь. Я отправляюсь в город, где люди не спят в погоне за несбыточной мечтой. И мы - не те, за кого себя выдавали. ...
All Eyes [Russian translation]
Все, что ты говоришь - Это просто ложь. Сейчас я ухожу В город, где люди Просыпаются, чтобы прогнать сон. Это все не правда И от нас ждут, что мы буде...
All Eyes [Turkish translation]
Söylediğin her şey Sadece bir yalan Ve şimdi ayrılıyorum O şehre gitmek için, insanların Bir rüyayı kovalamak için uyanık olduğu şehre (İnsanların bir...
All for You lyrics
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Croatian translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Danish translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [French translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [German translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Greek translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Greek translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Italian translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Romanian translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
All for You [Russian translation]
I get caught in the water, get torn in the wind I could drown in the river, while the sun burns dim I get tossed by the ocean, fall deep in the sand I...
Imagine Dragons
United States
Alternative, Indie, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Απ' Το Βορρά Μέχρι Το Νότο [Ap' To Vorra Mehri To Noto] [Serbian translation]
Απ' Το Βορρά Μέχρι Το Νότο [Ap' To Vorra Mehri To Noto] [Hungarian translation]
Άλλοθι [Allothi] [English translation]
Αν χαθείς τι θα κάνω [An xathis ti tha kanw] [Romanian translation]
Απίστευτο [Apistefto] lyrics
Άλλοθι [Allothi] lyrics
Απορώ [Aporο] [English translation]
Αν χαθείς τι θα κάνω [An xathis ti tha kanw] lyrics
Απ' Το Βορρά Μέχρι Το Νότο [Ap' To Vorra Mehri To Noto] [Bulgarian translation]
Απ' Το Βορρά Μέχρι Το Νότο [Ap' To Vorra Mehri To Noto] [Romanian translation]
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Απ' το Βορρά μέχρι το Νότο [Ap'to Vorra mehri to Noto] [Transliteration]
Αλητη με λενε [Aliti me lene] [Bulgarian translation]
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Άλλοθι [Allothi] [Ukrainian translation]
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