Serhat Lyrics
I Didn't Know [Romanian translation]
I want to stay with you tonight, Far from every sight and every fear I got to be inside your mind And hide into your arms You have to see this love is...
I Didn't Know [Spanish translation]
I want to stay with you tonight, Far from every sight and every fear I got to be inside your mind And hide into your arms You have to see this love is...
I Didn't Know [Swedish translation]
I want to stay with you tonight, Far from every sight and every fear I got to be inside your mind And hide into your arms You have to see this love is...
I Didn't Know [Turkish translation]
I want to stay with you tonight, Far from every sight and every fear I got to be inside your mind And hide into your arms You have to see this love is...
Je M’adore lyrics
Tu as claqué la porte mais j'ai déjà la clé, Si le diable t'emporte, il pourra te garder. Tu m'as coupé le courant, j'ai rebranché ma prise. Mes amis ...
Je M’adore [English translation]
You slammed the door but I already have the key If the devil takes you away, he can keep you You cut off my power source, I reconnected the plug Now, ...
Je M’adore [German translation]
Du hast die Türe zugeschlagen, doch ich habe schon den Schlüssel, wenn der Teufel dich holt, wird er dich behalten können, du hast mir den Strom abges...
Non ero io [I Didn't Know] lyrics
Io voglio stare qui con te Offrire un altro me che tu non sai In una notte che va via Con un abbraccio voglio farti mia Farti vedere l'uomo che ora c'...
Non ero io [I Didn't Know] [English translation]
Io voglio stare qui con te Offrire un altro me che tu non sai In una notte che va via Con un abbraccio voglio farti mia Farti vedere l'uomo che ora c'...
Non ero io [I Didn't Know] [German translation]
Io voglio stare qui con te Offrire un altro me che tu non sai In una notte che va via Con un abbraccio voglio farti mia Farti vedere l'uomo che ora c'...
Say Na Na Na lyrics
You look sad and lonely Is something wrong tonight? Why this rush to run away? Things will be alright Just be strong and look at me Hear me when I say...
Say Na Na Na [Azerbaijani translation]
Tənha və qəmli görünürsən Bu gecə dərdin var? Nədir bu qaçıb getmə təlaşı? Hər şey yaxşı olacaq Güclü ol və mənə bax Gör nə deyəcəm Kimə lazımdı dərdl...
Say Na Na Na [Dutch translation]
Jij ziet er verdrietig en eenzaam uit Is er iets mis vannacht? Waarom zo'n haast om weg te rennen? Dingen komen goed Ben gewoon sterk en kijk naar mij...
Say Na Na Na [Estonian translation]
Sa paistad kurb ja üksildane Kas täna on midagi valesti? Miks kiirustad ära jooksma? Kõik saab korda Lihtsalt ole tugev ja vaata mind Kuula mind, kui ...
Say Na Na Na [Finnish translation]
Näytät surulliselta ja yksinäiseltä Onko jokin vialla tänä iltana? Miksi kiire juosta pois? Kaikki järjestyy Ole vain vahva ja katso minuun Kuule kun ...
Say Na Na Na [French translation]
Tu sembles triste et seul Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ce soir? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il y a cette hâte à s'enfuir? Les choses vont s'arranger Soi simplement ...
Say Na Na Na [German translation]
Du siehst traurig und einsam aus Stimmt heute Nacht irgendetwas nicht? Warum diese Eile beim Wegrennen? Die Dinge kommen wieder in Ordnung Seit einfac...
Say Na Na Na [Greek translation]
Φαίνεσαι λυπημένη και μοναχική Έγινε τίποτα απόψε; Γιατί βιάζεσαι τόσο να φύγεις μακριά; Τα πράγματα θα πάνε μία χαρά Απλά μείνε δυνατή και κοίτα με Ά...
Say Na Na Na [Italian translation]
Sembri triste e solo C'è qualcosa che nonva stasera? Perché tutta questa fretta di correre via? Le cose andranno bene Sii solamente forte e guardami A...
Say Na Na Na [Korean translation]
너 슬프고 외로워 보이네. 오늘밤 걱정거리가 있어? 왜 달아나려고 이렇게 달리냐? 다 잘 될거야. 좀 강해져서 날 봐봐. 내가 말할 땐 좀 들어 봐. 니 사랑이 쫑났다고 누가 신경 쓸까? 매일 일어나는 일이잖아. 니 모든 꿈이 다 날아가 버렸어. * 니가 뭘하든 상관 ...
English, French, Turkish, German, Italian
Dance, Disco, Latino, Pop
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