Lous and The Yakuza Lyrics
Dilemme [Turkish translation]
Ben nefretle doldukça Daha fazla incitiyorlar beni Bu büyütülecek bir olay olmaz eğer artık parti yapmazsam Lous, huzurlu musun yoksa sadece savaş mı ...
Laisse-moi lyrics
[Intro : Lous and The Yakuza] Juste laisse-moi, laisse-moi, laisse (laisse, laisse) Juste laisse-moi, laisse-moi, laisse (laisse, laisse) [Refrain : L...
Laisse-moi [English translation]
[Intro : Lous and The Yakuza] Just let me, let me, let (let, let) Just let me, let me, let (let, let) [Refrain : Lous and The Yakuza] Just let me, let...
Laisse-moi [Spanish translation]
[Intro : Lous and The Yakuza] Solo dejame, dejame, deja (deja, deja) Solo dejame, dejame, deja (deja, deja) [Estribillo : Lous and The Yakuza] Solo de...
Messes Basses lyrics
Scandales, messes basses et doubles visages Le temps passe, hélas, et le mal s'installe Scandales, messes basses et doubles visages Le temps passe, hé...
Messes Basses [English translation]
Scandals, whispers and two-faced people Time is passing by, alas, evil is setting in Scandals, whispers and two-faced people Time is passing by, alas,...
Quatre Heures Du Matin lyrics
Quatre heures du matin Fatiguée, je cherchais mon chemin Et je croise de chauds lapins Prêts à faire de moi leur petite putain L'un d'eux m'attrape pa...
Quatre Heures Du Matin [English translation]
Four in the morning Tired, I was looking for my way home And I bumped into horny devils Ready to make me their little whore One of them took me by the...
Quatre Heures Du Matin [Turkish translation]
Sabahın dördü Yorgun, yolumu arıyorum Azgın köpeklere denk geldim Beni küçük or*spuları yapmak için hazırlar Biri beni ellerimden yakaladı, Diğerleri ...
Solo lyrics
[Refrain] Quoi que l'on dise, on restera solo Quoi que l'on fasse, on restera solo (ice ice) Solo, solo (ice ice) Solo, solo Quoi que l'on dise, on re...
Solo [English translation]
[Chorus] No matter what we say, we'll always be solo No matter what we do, we'll always be solo (ice ice) Solo, solo (ice ice) Solo, solo No matter wh...
Solo [Spanish translation]
[Estribillo] Digamos lo que digamos, nos quedaremos solos Hagamos lo que hagamos, nos quedaremos solos (ice ice) Solo, solo (ice ice) Solo, solo Digam...
Téléphone Sonne lyrics
Putain, il faut qu'je dorme, yeah, putain, il faut qu'je dorme, yeah Putain, il faut qu'je dorme, yeah Il faut qu'je dorme, il faut qu'je dorme, il fa...
Téléphone Sonne [English translation]
Bitch, I have to sleep, yeah, bitch, I have to sleep, yeah Bitch, I have to sleep, yeah I have to sleep, I have to sleep, I have to sleep Have to slee...
Téléphone Sonne [Spanish translation]
Puta, tengo que dormir, ya, puta, tengo que dormir, ya Puta, tengo que dormir, ya Tengo que dormir, tengo que dormir, tengo que dormir Tengo que dormi...
Tout est gore lyrics
Je le sens depuis un petit temps (ouh) Gravir les échelons, ca prends du temps (ouh) Partir au loin, c’est un peu existant (ouh) Quand je vois ta bouc...
Tout est gore [English translation]
I've been feeling it for a while (ouh) Climbing the ranks, it takes time (ouh) Leaving far away, is a bit existing (ouh) When I see your mouth it's ra...
Tout est gore [Spanish translation]
(Gore) (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey go!) Siéntolo de hace poco tiempo, oh Trepar el escalón toma tiempo, oh Partir lejos me es provocador, oh Veo tu boca ...
Lous and The Yakuza
French, Italian
Hip-Hop/Rap, Pop, R&B/Soul
Official site:
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