Mara Sattei Featuring Lyrics
Carl Brave - Spigoli
[Intro: Carl Brave] You need You need You need Eh-eh-eh Eh-eh-eh [Strofa 1: Carl Brave] Ricordi? Eri leggera Una libellula sotto la cera (Eh) Ti ho pe...
Spigoli [English translation]
[Intro: Carl Breve] You need You need You need Eh-eh-eh Eh-eh-eh [Verse 1: Carl Brave] Remember? You were light A dragonfly under wax (Eh) I lost you ...
Ali chiuse, spalle al muro Anni che cerco le cose giuste Te lo assicuro come se fossi cartapesta Sgretolo il fumo, in mezzo a un puzzle, disfarle tutt...
ALTALENE [English translation]
Closed wings, backs to the wall I've searched for the right things for years I assure you as if you were papier-mâché Crumbling smoke, in the middle o...
ALTALENE [Polish translation]
Zamknięte skrzydła, odwrócone do ściany Lata szukania właściwych rzeczy Zapewniam Cię, jakbyś był papier-mâché Rozpadający się dym, w środku układanki...
Lous and The Yakuza - Dilemme [Remix]
Au plus j'ai de la haine, au plus ils me font de la peine Ce n'est pas un drame, si je ne fais plus la fête Lous, si sereine ou fais-tu juste la guerr...
Tuttecose lyrics
Okay, amici come prima, la festa è già finita Se non ti riconosci più Non te la prendere con la mia vita, con la tua vita Che sembra un film dentro un...
Tuttecose [English translation]
Okay friends, like before, the party’s already over If you don’t recognize yourself anymore Don’t get mad at my life, at your life That seems like a f...
Mara Sattei
Excellent Songs recommendation
All in the Name
All Hope Is Gone [Greek translation]
A Liar's Funeral [Persian translation]
I giorni dei falò [Long Ago And Far Away] lyrics
[sic] lyrics
Mina - It's only make believe
Big White Room lyrics
Coriandoli lyrics
Sana Kalbim Geçti lyrics
[515] [Turkish translation]
Popular Songs
[515] [Spanish translation]
Romeo and Juliet lyrics
Why Worry [Album Version]
All Hope Is Gone [French translation]
Conga lyrics
[sic] [Russian translation]
A Liar's Funeral [Bulgarian translation]
All Hope Is Gone [Turkish translation]
A Liar's Funeral [Turkish translation]
A Liar's Funeral [Hungarian translation]
Tim Maia
La Prohibida
Kris Kross Amsterdam
Siw Inger
Edi Rock
House Twins
Lapiz Conciente
Less than Evil (OST)
דמעות שחורות [Dmahot Shkhorot] lyrics
אנחנו לא צריכים [Anachnu Lo Tzrichim] [Russian translation]
אף פעם לא תדעי [Af Paam Le Tedi] [English translation]
בואה מחמד ליבי [Boha makhmad libi] [English translation]
דבק [Devek] lyrics
Aleni Aleni lyrics
האהבה הישנה [Ha'Ahava HaYeshana] [Russian translation]
דבק [Devek] [English translation]
Αγάπη [Agápi] lyrics
ולס בחמש ושלושים [Vals BeKhamesh U'shloshim] [Russian translation]