Sasha Lopez Lyrics
The Blame
Joy and fear combined Have been on my mind Since the day I fell for you I just can't decide To leave him behind Now my world is blue Nothing will be t...
The Blame [Romanian translation]
Bucuria și frica amestecate, Mi-au fost în minte Din ziua în care m-am îndrăgostit de tine. Pur și simplu nu pot decide Să-l las în urmă, Acum lumea m...
All My People lyrics
All my people on the floor, party all night We want some more, some more We're about to turn it on under the light We never stop, we rock we rock we r...
All My People [Croatian translation]
Svi moji ljudi na podu Zabava cijelu noć Želimo nešto više Nešto više Mi smo o tome da ga uključimo Pod svjetlom Mi nikada ne prestajemo, mi rasturamo...
Beautiful Life lyrics
Oh, it's a beautiful world, it's a beautiful life Alright Oh, it's a beautiful world, it's a beautiful life, Make ya move and make love 'til the sunsh...
Beautiful Life [Croatian translation]
Oh, to je lijep svijet, to je lijep život Dobro Oh, to je lijep svijet, to je lijep život Kreći se i vodi ljubav do sijanja sunca, hej To je lijep svi...
Beautiful Life [Romanian translation]
Oh, lumea este frumoasă, viaţa este frumoasă,... ...foarte bine Oh, lumea este frumoasă, viaţa este frumoasă Faceţi mişcare, faceţi dragoste la lumina...
Everybody Feels Alright lyrics
Talk to me now Flying over the rainbow Take my hand now Let's fly over the rainbow Without you no love Just like that I spread love And I've been gett...
Everybody Feels Alright [Croatian translation]
Razgovaraj sa mnom sada Leti iznad duge Uzmi moju ruku sada Idemo letjeti iznad duge Bez tebe nema ljubavi Baš kao to širio sam ljubav I bio sam ga uz...
Kiss You lyrics
You make me feel beautiful, oouoo make me feel beautiful, oouoo make me feel beautiful, oouoo When I ki-ki-ki-ki-kiss When I ki-ki-ki-ki-kiss, kiss yo...
Kiss You [Italian translation]
Mi fai sentire bella, oouoo Sentire bella, oouoo Sentire bella, oouoo Quando bacio Quando bacio, ti bacio Ehi, tesoro Quando ti muovi vicino a me Non ...
Overdose lyrics
x 2 In my heart, fireworks Without you I’m f*cking lost, Afraid of honesty, Don’t know if I’m really me. Your smell is like overdose Getting sick of a...
Overdose [Romanian translation]
X 2 În inima mea, focuri de artificii Fără tine sunt a naibii de pierdută, Mi-e frică de onestitate Nu știu dacă sunt cu adevărat eu. Mirosul/Parfumul...
Smoke me lyrics
Smoke me inside you Like I'm your sweetest drug and Try to escape, but never could Smoke me inside you Like I'm your sweetest drug and Try to escape, ...
Sun lyrics
Oh baby, now it’s over baby I want you yo know that I will let go It’s time, time Oh baby, now it’s over baby Don’t say a word, tear up my world It’s ...
Sun [French translation]
Oh, mon amour, c'est fini maintenant, mon amour... Je veux que tu saches que j'abandonne, Il est temps... temps... Oh, mon amour, c'est fini maintenan...
Sun [Romanian translation]
Oh, iubito, acum s-a terminat, iubito... Vreau să știi că renunț, E timpul...timpul... Oh, iubito, acum s-a terminat, iubito... Vreau să știi că renun...
Sun [Turkish translation]
Ah bebeğim, her şey bitti artık bebeğim Gitmene izin vereceğimi bilmeni istiyorum Vakit tamam, tamam Ah bebeğim, her şey bitti artık bebeğim Tek kelim...
Tatoué lyrics
Je cours Depuis très longtemps et j'peux pas Non, m'arrêter de rêver Mon coeur est pris dans le passé As-tu Réalisé de quoi je parle? Mon nom est tato...
Tatoué [English translation]
I run For a very long time and I can't No, stop dreaming My heart is caught in the past Do you Realized what am I talking about? My name is tattooed o...
Sasha Lopez
English, French
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Augenblick am Tag [French translation]
Keeping the Faith lyrics
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Bist du bei mir [English translation]
Augenblick am Tag [English translation]
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town lyrics
Bleib hier [English translation]
אושר [Osher] lyrics
Bleib hier [Serbian translation]
Rien ne peut changer ma joie lyrics
Popular Songs
Bildungshymne [Russian translation]
Bleib hier [Romanian translation]
Bildungshymne [English translation]
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Bis an Ende der Welt [Croatian translation]
Baby, schlaf ein [English translation]
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Bist du bei mir [Bulgarian translation]
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Tu me manques [Spanish translation]
Ta main [German translation]