Tame Impala Lyrics
Mind Mischief [Spanish translation]
Siento que mi vida está apunto de estallar Mi amor y yo tomaremos las cosas con calma Espero que sepa que solo la amo a ella Simplemente no sé de dónd...
Mind Mischief [Turkish translation]
Hayatım patlamaya hazırmış gibi hissediyorum Ben ve sevgilim, ağırdan alacağız Umarım yalnızca onu seveceğimi biliyordur Ben sadece hangi cehenneme ai...
Music To Walk Home By lyrics
But that's only when I think of you, Some vision that I hold on to, You know it's everything I do, You know it's everything I do. Can almost stand com...
Music To Walk Home By [German translation]
Doch es ist nur so, wenn ich an dich denke Eine Vision, an der ich festhalte Du weißt, es ist alles, was ich tue Du weißt, es ist alles, was ich tue I...
Music To Walk Home By [Turkish translation]
Ama bu sadece seni düşündüğümde, Tutunduğum bir hayal, Biliyorsun bu yaptığım tek şey, Biliyorsun bu yaptığım tek şey. Neredeyse diğerleri ile yarışma...
My Life lyrics
[Verse: Kevin Parker] Don't tell me It's all in my mind In my mind Don't tell me It's all in my mind In my mind [Chorus: Kevin Parker] Don't tell me D...
My Life [German translation]
(Vers: Kevin Parker) Sag mir nicht Es sei alles in meinem Kopf In meinen Gedanken Sag mir nicht Es sei alles in meinem Kopf In meinen Gedanken (Chor: ...
My Life [Turkish translation]
[Kevin Parker] Söyleme bana hepsinin zihnimde olduğunu zihnimde. Söyleme bana hepsinin zihnimde olduğunu zihnimde. [Kevin Parker] Söyleme bana, söylem...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes lyrics
I can just hear them now "How could you let us down?" But they don't know what I found Or see it from this way around Feeling it overtake All that I u...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [French translation]
Je peux simplement les entendre maintenant "Comment as-tu pu nous laisser tomber ?" Mais ils ne savent pas ce dont j'ai fait l'expérience Ni vu les ch...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [German translation]
Ich kann sie genau jetzt hören "Wie konntest du uns fallen lassen?" Doch sie wissen nicht, was ich fand Oder es von dieser Seite aus sehen Fühlen, wie...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [Greek translation]
Τους ακούω τώρα "Πώς μπόρεσες να μας απογοητεύσεις;" Αλλά δεν ξέρουν τι βρήκα Ή δεν το βλέπουν από αυτή την οπτική Το νιώθω να προσπερνά Όλα αυτά που ...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [Portuguese translation]
Eu consigo até ouvi-los agora "Como você pôde nos decepcionar?" Mas eles não sabem o que eu encontrei Ou veem por esse lado Sentindo tomar conta De tu...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [Serbian translation]
Upravo mogu da ih čujem "Kako si nas mogla iznevjeriti?" Ali oni ne znaju šta sam pronašla Ne mogu vidjeti iz ovog ugla Osjećam kako preuzima kontrolu...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [Spanish translation]
Puedo escucharlos en este momento "¿Cómo pudiste defraudarnos?" Pero no saben lo que he encontrado Ni ven desde mi posición Siento que me toma por sor...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [Spanish translation]
Les puedo oír ahora "¿Cómo nos pudieras fallar?" Pero ellos no saben lo que encuentre Ni lo ven desde mi punto de vista Lo siento apoderar Todo lo que...
New Person, Same Old Mistakes [Turkish translation]
Şimdi onları duyabiliyorum “Bizi nasıl hayal kırıklığına uğratabildin?” Ama onlar ne bulduğumu bilmiyorlar Ya da bu açıdan göremiyorlar Geçeceğini his...
No Choice lyrics
[Chorus] It doesn't matter if I want to go somewhere new At the end of the day, I have no choice It wouldn't matter that I had to break it with you Go...
No Choice [Spanish translation]
[Estribillo] No importa si quiero ir a algún lugar nuevo, al final del día, no tengo elección. No importó que tuve que separarme de ti, seguir pensand...
Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control lyrics
Nothing that has happened so far has Been anything we could control I have just been waiting for the perfect Time to tell you I don't know Maybe I'm j...
Tame Impala
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To Love [Czech translation]
Gib mir ein Zeichen lyrics
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Widecombe Fair [Tom Pearce] lyrics
Meine Reise ist zu Ende lyrics
Как ты прекрасна [Kak ty prekrasna] lyrics
We should be together lyrics
Pennies from Heaven lyrics