Secondhand Serenade Lyrics
Fly By lyrics
Every day I'd walk alone Every day I'd wait for your voice on the phone Every day I'd wish that I was not prone To walking the streets just like anoth...
Fly By [German translation]
Jeden Tag gehe ich allein Jeden Tag warte ich auf deine Stimme am Telefon Jeden Tag wünschte ich ich wäre nicht anfällig Diese Straßen entlangzugehen ...
Goodbye lyrics
It's a shame that it had to be this way It's not enough to say I'm sorry It's not enough to say I'm sorry Maybe I'm so blind or maybe we're the same B...
Goodbye [French translation]
Quel dommage que c'eût dû être ainsi Dire combien je suis navré n'est pas suffisant Dire combien je suis navré n'est pas suffisant Peut-être suis-je t...
Goodbye [German translation]
Es ist eine Schande, dass es so sein muss Zu sagen, dass es mir leid tut ist nicht genug Zu sagen, dass es mir leid tut ist nicht genug Vielleicht bin...
Goodbye [Greek translation]
Είναι κρίμα που έπρεπε να γίνει έτσι Δεν είναι αρκετό να πω ότι λυπάμαι Δεν είναι αρκετό να πω ότι λυπάμαι Ίσως είμαι τόσο τυφλός ή ίσως είμαστε το ίδ...
Half Alive lyrics
It's four AM, I'm waking up to your perfume Don't get up, I'll get through on my own I don't know if I'm home Or if I lost the way into your room I'm ...
Half Alive [Greek translation]
Είναι τέσσερις το πρωί, ξυπνάω με το άρωμα σου Μη σηκωθείς, θα τα βγάλω πέρα μόνος μου Δεν ξέρω αν βρίσκομαι σπίτι Ή αν έχασα το δρόμο και πήγα στο δω...
Half Alive [Serbian translation]
4 je ujutru, budi me miris tvog parfema Ne ustaj, sam ću ja Ne znam da li sam kući Ili sam se izgubio u tvojoj sobi Uvijam se kroz vrata Kao da sam na...
Hear Me Now lyrics
Left everything behind me, Searching for the strength I thought I had inside me, Left you behind so lonely, Praying for the day that you would somehow...
Heart Stops [By The Way] lyrics
It seems just like yesterday That you were begging me to stay I thought I knew what I wanted Should have known it was you Life’s been pretty good thes...
I Don't Wanna lyrics
You play our song, And you say there's nothing wrong But I know you're lying to me I state my case, Even in our perfect place There's nothing I can do...
I Hate This Song lyrics
Speak with your tongue tied, I know that you're tired But I just want to know, Where you want to go, I may be sad, But I'm not weak, This situation is...
I Hate This Song [French translation]
Parle avec ton mutisme, Je sais que tu es fatiguée Mais je veux juste savoir Où tu veux aller, J'ai beau être triste, je ne suis pas faible Cette situ...
I Hate This Song [German translation]
Rede mit festgefrorener Zunge Ich weiß dass du müde bist Aber ich will nur wissen Wohin du gehen willst Ich bin vielleicht traurig, doch ich bin nicht...
I Hate This Song [Greek translation]
Μίλα με την γλώσσα σου δεμένη Ξέρω ότι είσαι κουρασμένη Αλλά απλώς θέλω να μάθω Πού θέλεις να πας Μπορεί να'μαι λυπημένος αλλά δεν είμαι αδύναμος Αυτή...
Is There Anybody Out There? lyrics
You can say goodbye, To all the things that you have ever known. You can say goodbye, And leave behind the life that you have grown. What's the point?...
Is There Anybody Out There? [French translation]
Tu peux faire tes adieux A tout ce que tu as jamais connu. Tu peux faire tes adieux Et abandonner la vie que tu as vu grandir. A quoi bon ? Tu essaies...
Is There Anybody Out There? [Romanian translation]
Poţi spune adio, Tuturor lucrurilor pe care le-ai cunoscut. Poţi spune adio, Şi lăsa în urmă viaţa care te-a maturizat. Ce rost are? Încerci să porneş...
It's Not Over lyrics
My tears run down like razorblades I know I’m not the one to blame It’s you or is it me? And all the words we never say Come out and now we’re all ash...
Secondhand Serenade
United States
Alternative, Rock
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Excellent Songs recommendation
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