The Kelly Family Lyrics
One More Song lyrics
Holding back all my trouble that accumulated over time And now I can't seem to define You and I were like brothers we stuck together in hard times But...
Over the Hump lyrics
Oh woah oh, oh woah oh We had covered that road for so long And the wolf was at the door, tried to get in With a little luck of angels, for the first ...
Please don't go lyrics
Patricia: What made you change your mind? What made you leave my life? If you could tell me straight I might never do it again Please don't leave me P...
Please don't go [Hungarian translation]
Patricia: Mond, mi változott meg benned? Hogy az életemből kilépj? Ha őszintén elmondanád Lehet én is megváltoznák Kérlek ne hagyj el Ne menj el Jimmy...
Red Shoes lyrics
Put on the red shoes that you want to Put on the red shoes that you like Put on the red shoes that you never wore before Put on the red shoes, put on ...
Red Shoes [Romanian translation]
Pune-ţi pantofii roşii pe care-i doreşti, Pune-ţi pantofii roşii care-ţi plac, Pune-ţi pantofii roşii pe care nu i-ai mai purtat niciodată, Pune-ţi pa...
Roses Of Red lyrics
Roses of red fall in my head He smiled then turned away Roses of red grow in my heart They bloom when he passes me by 'Cause he he makes me happy And ...
Roses Of Red [Romanian translation]
Trandafiri roşii cad pe capul meu, El a zâmbit şi a plecat Trandafiri roşii cresc în inima mea, Ei înfloresc atunci când el trece pe lângă mine. Căci ...
Santa Maria lyrics
To the sky to the mountains To he river to the valley To my hometown to my country To the place were I was born To my mother to my father To my sister...
Santa Maria [German translation]
An den Himmel, an den Berg, an den Fluss, an das Tal, an meine Heimatstadt, an mein Land, an den Ort an dem ich geboren wurde An meine Mutter, an mein...
Santa Maria [Hungarian translation]
Az égnek, a hegyeknek A folyónak, a völgynek A szülővárosomnak, a hazámnak Annak a helynek, ahol születtem. Az anyámnak, az apámnak A nővéreimnek és a...
Santa Maria [Spanish translation]
Para el cielo, para la montaña, Para el río, para el valle, Para mi pueblo, para mi país, Para el sitio donde yo nací. Para mi madre, para mi padre, P...
Santa Maria [Spanish translation]
Para el cielo y la montaña, para el río y el valle Para mi pueblo y mi país, para el sitio dondo yo naci Para mi madre y mi padre, para mis hermanas y...
She's Crazy lyrics
I know one thing: That the truth in her eyes Makes me love her. Sticks could break Her little fine bones, But words Could never harm her. 'Cause she i...
She's Crazy [French translation]
Je sais une chose : que la vérité que je lis dans ces yeux fait que je l'aime. Les bâtons pourraient brises ses petits os délicats, mais le train de v...
She's Crazy [Italian translation]
So una cosa: Che la verità nei suoi occhi Mi fa amare lei. I bastoni potrebbero rompere Le sue piccole e delicate ossa, Ma le parole Non potrebbero ma...
She's Crazy [Romanian translation]
Un lucru ştiu: Că adevărul din ochii ei Mă face s-o iubesc. Beţele îi pot rupe Oasele mici şi delicate, Dar cuvintele N-o pot răni vreodată. Căci ea e...
She's Crazy [Spanish translation]
Sé una cosa: que la verdad en sus ojos me hace amarla. Los golpes podrían romper sus pequeños huesos, pero las palabras nunca podrán lastimarla. Está ...
Sometimes lyrics
I wish I had your pair of wings I had 'em last in my dreams I was chasing butterflies Until the sunrise broke my eyes Tonight the sky has glued my eye...
Sometimes [Hungarian translation]
I wish I had your pair of wings I had 'em last in my dreams I was chasing butterflies Until the sunrise broke my eyes Tonight the sky has glued my eye...
The Kelly Family
United States
English, Spanish, Greek, French, German
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Лишь бы не снилось [Lishʹ by ne snilosʹ] lyrics
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Я рисовала море [Ya risovala more] lyrics
Кометы [Komety] [French translation]
Простуженный [Prostuzhennyy] lyrics
Чужой Среди Своих [Chuzhoy sredi svoikh] lyrics
Спящая красавица [Spyashchaya krasavitsa] lyrics
Кометы [Komety] [Transliteration]
Hiway Nights [German translation]
Сердце [Serdtse] lyrics
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