The Kelly Family Lyrics
Sometimes [Serbian translation]
I wish I had your pair of wings I had 'em last in my dreams I was chasing butterflies Until the sunrise broke my eyes Tonight the sky has glued my eye...
Take My Hand lyrics
So take my hand, you are my brother So take my hand, you are my sister So take my hand, we need each other Don't try to walk the road alone Oh through...
Take My Hand [Dutch translation]
Zeg1 neem mij bij de hand, jij bent mijn broeder2 Zeg neem mij bij de hand, jij bent mijn zuster Zeg neem mij bij de hand, wij hebben elkaar nodig Pro...
Take My Hand [Romanian translation]
Deci ia-mă de mână, eşti fratele meu, Deci ia-mă de mână, eşti sora mea, Deci ia-mă de mână, avem nevoie unul de celălalt, Nu încerca să mergi singur ...
The rose lyrics
Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger, an...
The rose [French translation]
Certains disent que l'amour est une rivière qui noie le tendre roseau, Certains disent que l'amour est un rasoir qui laisse saigner ton âme. Certains ...
Une famille c'est une chanson lyrics
Moi c'est parce que je suis li pére que je marche devant Parfois je me trompe de prenons mais jamais de sourire On n'a pas de voiture pas de meuble pa...
When the boys come into town lyrics
Cuando la fiesta a empezado y la gente esta bailando la musica suena suena en la noche sin parar baila baila baila al ritmo y no pares de bailar esta ...
When the boys come into town [Romanian translation]
Când petrecerea a început și oamenii dansează sunetele muzicii răsună în noapte fără oprire Dansaţi, dansaţi, dansaţi pe ritm și nu opriți dansul în s...
Why Why Why lyrics
Walking down the streets you look into a dump You look into a dump and you say Why why why, why why why Running down the high-way as fast as you can Y...
You Belong To Me lyrics
If you please If you want Won't you take me in your arms If you care, you really care for me Why haven't you taken me in your arms You belong to me Do...
You Belong To Me [Italian translation]
Per favore, Se tu vuoi, Non vorresti prendermi tra le tue braccia? Se ci tieni, se ci tieni davvero a me, Perché non mi hai preso tra le tue braccia? ...
You Belong To Me [Romanian translation]
Dacă ai dori, Dacă vrei, N-ai vrea să mă iei în braţe? Dacă-ţi pasă, dacă-ţi pasă cu-adevărat de mine, De ce nu m-ai luat în braţele tale? Tu îmi apar...
The Kelly Family
United States
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Спящая красавица [Spyashchaya krasavitsa] [Turkish translation]
Кометы [Komety] [Hebrew translation]
Кометы [Komety] [Romanian translation]
Я рисовала море [Ya risovala more] lyrics
House Of Broken Love lyrics
Кометы [Komety] [English translation]
Спящая красавица [Spyashchaya krasavitsa] [English translation]
Юность [Yunostʹ] lyrics
Кометы [Komety] lyrics
Hiway Nights lyrics
Popular Songs
Лишь бы не снилось [Lishʹ by ne snilosʹ] lyrics
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Кометы [Komety] [Catalan translation]
Move It lyrics
Я рисовала море [Ya risovala more] [English translation]
Love Is A Lie lyrics
The Original Queen of Sheba lyrics
Кометы [Komety] [French translation]
Чужой Среди Своих [Chuzhoy sredi svoikh] lyrics
Май осень целовал [English translation]
The Four Lads
Aida Sargsyan
Yuki Koyanagi
Darci & Ozzie
Bomb the Bass
Josef Locke
Sona Rubenyan
Gli Uh!
Hubertus von Garnier
Έτσι [Etsi] lyrics
Έλα πες τα σε μένα [Ela pes ta se mena] lyrics
Μήπως [Mipos] [English translation]
Závod s mládím lyrics
Έτσι [Etsi] [Serbian translation]
Aikuinen nainen lyrics
Despues que cae la lluvia lyrics
Sítě kroků tvých lyrics
Θες να κάνουμε σχέση [Thes Na Kanoume Shesi] [English translation]
Bull$h!t lyrics