Genesis Lyrics
Dusk lyrics
See my hand is moving Touching all that's real And once it stroked love's body Now it claws the past The scent of a flower The colours of the morning ...
Dusk [Arabic translation]
أنظر [كيف] تتحرك يدي تلمس جميع ما هو واقعي قد كانت تداعب جسد الحب أما الآن فتحك الماضي رائحة الزهرة ألوان الصباح الأصدقاء الموثوق بهم الدموع المنسية ب...
Dusk [German translation]
Sieh, wie sich meine Hand bewegt Und alles berührt, was real ist Und hat sie einst den Körper der Liebe gestreichelt Kratzt sie jetzt die Vergangenhei...
Dusk [Polish translation]
Popatrz, [jak] moja dłoń się porusza Dotykając wszystkiego, co rzeczywiste Kiedyś gładziła ciało miłości Teraz rozszarpuje pazurami przeszłość Zapach ...
Entangled lyrics
When you're asleep they may show you Aerial views of the ground Freudian slumber empty of sound Over the rooftops and houses Lost as it tries to be se...
Entangled [Italian translation]
Mentre dormi possono mostrarti Viste aeree del suolo Sonnellino freudiano vuoto di suoni Sopra i tetti e le case Perduto come cerca di essere visto Ca...
Fading lights lyrics
Another time it might have been so different If only we could do it all again But now it's just another fading memory Out of focus, though the outline...
Fading lights [Arabic translation]
[لو فعلناه] مرة أخرى لكان من الممكن أن تكون [النتيجة] مختلفة تماما لو كان يمكننا فقط أن نفعل كل هذا مرة أخرى ولكن الآن هو فقط ذكرى خافت آخر غير واضح ر...
Fading lights [German translation]
Ein anderes Mal hätte es son anders sein können Wenn wir es doch nur nochmal tun könnten Aber jetzt ist es nur noch eine verschwimmende Erinnerung Auß...
Fading lights [Polish translation]
Innym razem mogło by być tak inaczej Gdybyśmy tylko mogli to zrobić ponownie Ale teraz, to tylko kolejne zanikające wspomnienie Nieostre, choć pozosta...
Fading lights [Spanish translation]
Otro tiempo podria haber sido tan diferente Si solo podriamos hacerlo todo de nuevo Pero ahora solo es otra memoria confundida Fuero del enfoce aunque...
Fireside Song lyrics
As daybreak breaks the mist upon the earth It came to pass that beauty settled there forever more And as the steam clings close to things to come It c...
Firth of Fifth lyrics
The path is clear Though no eyes can see The course laid down long before. And so with gods and men The sheep remain inside their pen, Though many tim...
Firth of Fifth [German translation]
Der Pfad ist klar Obwohl keine Augen den Weg sehen können Der vor langer Zeit bereitet wurde. Und so bleiben die Schafe Mit Göttern und Menschen in ih...
Firth of Fifth [Italian translation]
Il sentiero è chiaro anche se nessun occhio può vederlo: Il suo corso è stato stabilito molto tempo prima. E così, con gli dei e gli uomini le pecore ...
Firth of Fifth [Korean translation]
갈 길은 훤한데, 옛날부터 대비한 길이 보이는 사람이 없다. 언제나처럼, 신의 인간이 양처럼 얌전히 가만히 있는다, 나가는 길이 여러번 보여도. 그는 엄하게 승마해서, 신경 안 쓰고 안 즐기는 남의 집들을 지나간다. 그들이 나무, 하늘, 어여쁜 백합도 다 무시하고 살았...
Firth of Fifth [Turkish translation]
Yol açıktır Hiçbir göz görmese de. Rota belirlenmiş çok zaman önce. Ve işte tanrılar ve insanlarla Koyunlar kalırlar ağıllarının içinde, Birçok kez çı...
Fly on a Windshield / Broadway Melody of 1974 lyrics
FLY ON A WINDSHIELD There's something solid forming in the air And the wall of death is lowered in Times Square No one seems to care They carry on as ...
Fly on a Windshield / Broadway Melody of 1974 [Arabic translation]
FLY ON A WINDSHIELD There's something solid forming in the air And the wall of death is lowered in Times Square No one seems to care They carry on as ...
Fly on a Windshield / Broadway Melody of 1974 [Polish translation]
FLY ON A WINDSHIELD There's something solid forming in the air And the wall of death is lowered in Times Square No one seems to care They carry on as ...
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