dodie Lyrics
[Verse 1] I wanna pick you up and scoop you out I want the secrets your secrets haven't found [Chorus] Paint me in trust I'll be your best friend Call...
Human [Finnish translation]
Haluan noukkia ja kaapia sinut Haluan salaisuudet, joita salaisuutesi eivät ole löytäneet Maalaa minut luottamuksella Olen paras kaverisi Kutsu minua ...
Human [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Je veux te prendre et te sortir Je veux les secrets que tes secrets n'ont pas trouvés [Refrain] Peins-moi en confiance Je serai ta meilleu...
Human [German translation]
Ich möchte dich hochheben und gründlich betrachten Ich möchte die Geheimnisse, deine Geheimnisse sind nicht enthüllt Male mich im Vertrauen Ich werde ...
Human [Portuguese translation]
Eu quero pegar em ti e tirar-te para fora Eu quero os segredos que os teus segredos não encontraram Pinta-me com confiança Eu serei a tua melhor amiga...
Human [Spanish translation]
[1ra estrofa] Quiero levantarte y vaciarte a cucharadas Quiero los secretos que tus secretos no han encontrado [coro] Píntame de confianza Seré tu mej...
6/10 lyrics
I feel like a six out of ten I gotta get up early tomorrow again What goes on behind the words? Is there pity for the plain girl? Can you see the pani...
6/10 [Dutch translation]
Ik voel me als een zes op tien Ik moet morgen weer vroeg opstaan Wat gebeurt er achter de woorden? Is er medelijden voor het gewone meisje? Kan je de ...
6/10 [Finnish translation]
Oloni on kuusi kymmenestä Minun täytyy taas huomenna nousta ylös aikaisin Mikä menee sanojen taakse? Onko tavalliselle tytölle sääliä? Voitko nähdä pa...
6/10 [French translation]
Je me sens comme un six sur dix Je dois de nouveau me lever tôt demain Qu'est-ce qui succédera les mots ? Y a-t-il de la compassion pour une simple fi...
6/10 [Italian translation]
Mi sento un sei su dieci Devo svegliarmi presto di nuovo domani Che cosa si nasconde dietro alle parole? C'è compassione per una ragazza qualunque? Lo...
6/10 [Swedish translation]
Jag känner mig som en sex utav tio Jag måste gå up tidigt imorgon igen Vad händer bakom orden? Finns det medlidande för den enkla tjejen? Kan du se pa...
6/10 [Turkish translation]
On üzerinden altı gibi hissediyorum Yarın yine erken kalmam gerek Kelimelerin arkasında neler oluyor? Yalın kız için merhamet var mıdır? İçeride paniğ...
A drunken, sad ramble about results. And a poem lyrics
Do you ever feel that all the world is suddenly not on your side? And all the worries of work and friends come out from where they hide A smile does w...
A Non Love Song From Nashville lyrics
Back, back It's time to go back to you know where But was it fun In the sun where you were Stop, no No, you're not allowed to think that Unwire the go...
A Non Love Song From Nashville [Turkish translation]
Back, back It's time to go back to you know where But was it fun In the sun where you were Stop, no No, you're not allowed to think that Unwire the go...
A Permanent Hug From You lyrics
Thanks so much For a beautiful night That's ok I hope you get back alright In fact It's pretty dark It's pretty chilly out there Tonight I'll be fine ...
A Permanent Hug From You [Finnish translation]
Thanks so much For a beautiful night That's ok I hope you get back alright In fact It's pretty dark It's pretty chilly out there Tonight I'll be fine ...
Absolutely Smitten lyrics
She knows this feeling all too well She feels her heart begin to swell Handsome stranger, you have made her insides turn to jelly She wants to dance a...
Absolutely Smitten [Finnish translation]
Hän tietää tämän tunteen aivan liian hyvin Hän tuntee sydämensä alkavan turvota Komea muukalainen, sait hänen sisälmyksensä muuttumaan hyytelöksi Hän ...
United Kingdom
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