Christmas Carols Featuring Lyrics
Amália Rodrigues - Vi o Menino Jesus
Vi o Menino Jesus... Que bonito que Ele vinha! Trazia estrelas de luz, Ou eram brincos que tinha? Cabelos de seda tinha: Deu-lhos Nossa Senhora. Com p...
Vi o Menino Jesus [English translation]
I saw the Holy Child Jesus... He looked so lovely! He carried stars full of light, Or did he have earrings? He had a silk mane of hair: Our Holy Lady ...
The Little Drummer Boy [Greek translation]
Έλα, μου είπαν - πα-ραμ-παμ-παμ-παμ να δούμε το νεογέννητο βασιλιά μας - πα-ραμ-παμ-παμ-παμ τα καλύτερα δώρα μας να φέρνουμε - πα-ραμ-παμ-παμ-παμ να τ...
The Little Drummer Boy [Romanian translation]
Vino, mi-au spus, pa-rum pum pum pum, Să-L vezi pe nou-născutul nostru rege,pa-rum pum pum pum Îi ducem cele mai alese daruri, pa-rum pum pum pum, Pen...
The Little Drummer Boy [Spanish translation]
ven, me dijeron pa-rum pum pum pum nuestro rey renacido para ver, pa-rum pum pum pum nuestros regalos mejores que traemos pa-rum pum pum pum presentar...
The Little Drummer Boy [Turkish translation]
gel dediler bana, pa rum pum pum pum yeni doğan bir kralı görmeye, pa rum pum pum pum en iyi hediyelerimizi getirdik, pa rum pum pum pum krala sunmaya...
The Little Drummer Boy [Ukrainian translation]
"Йди!", казали... па-рам пам пам пам Царя побачиш ти... па-рам пам пам пам Найкращі тут дари... па-рам пам пам пам Царю несемо ми... па-рам пам пам па...
Tu scendi dalle stelle
Tu scendi dalle stelle, o Re del cielo, e vieni in una grotta al freddo e al gelo, e vieni in una grotta al freddo e al gelo. O Bambino mio divino, io...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [English translation]
1. From starry skies descending, Thou comest, glorious King, A manger low Thy bed, In winter's icy sting; 2. O my dearest Child most holy, Shudd'ring,...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [English translation]
You come down from the stars, oh King of the Heavens, and enter into a grotto in the cold and the ice, and enter into a grotto, in the cold and the ic...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [English translation]
1. You come down from the stars, Oh, King of Heavens, And You come in a cave in the cold, in the frost. (2 v.) Oh, my Divine Baby I see you trembling ...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [French translation]
Tu descends des étoiles, O Roi du ciel, Et tu viens dans une grotte dans le froid et dans le gél. (2fois) Oh enfant mon Divin enfant, je te vois ici t...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [German translation]
1)Du steigst, o Himmelskönig, herab vom Sternenzelt und kommst in einer Grotte bei Frost und Eis zur Welt. Ach, mein kleines, göttliches Kindlein, hie...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [German translation]
Du steigst herab von Sternen, o König der himmlischen Macht, und wirst in einer dumpfen Grotte zur Welt gebracht (2x) Göttliches Kindlein, dein erstes...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [Greek translation]
Εσύ πέφτεις απ'τα αστέρια, ώ Βασιλιά τ'ουρανού και έρχεσαι σε μια σπηλιά στο κρύο και στον πάγο Ώ θεϊκό μου μωρό σε βλέπω εδώ να τρέμεις Ώ μακάριε Θεέ...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [Spanish translation]
Tú bajas de las estrellas, o Rey del cielo, y vienes a una cueva al frío y al hielo. O mi Niño divino, yo te miro aquí a temblar. O Diós bendito, ¡cuà...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [Ukrainian translation]
Со звізд ісходиш Ти, о Царю в небесах, у грот крижаний, в ніч і в холодах, у грот крижаний, в ніч і в холодах. О, дитино, Божий сину, тремтиш у холодн...
Tu scendi dalle stelle [Venetan translation]
Ti vien xo dae stee, o Re del céo E ti vien rento 'na grotacal fredo e al gèo O bambìn, mio divìn Mi te vedo qua a tremar O Dio Beato! Oh, quanto che ...
Virolet Sant Pere
Virolet Sant Pere, virolet Sant Pau, La caputxa us queia, la caputxa us cau... Hem de fer gatzara, hem de fer sarau: Celebrem les festes de Sant Nicol...
Vou tentar
Vou tentar Pôr, à janela, uma vela. Pôr a estrela na árvore; Que hoje, a beleza não chore. Vou tentar Ouvir canções de Natal... Como não tenho present...
Christmas Carols
English, Romanian, German, Polish+65 more, Catalan, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Finnish, Czech, Italian, French, Latin, Sardinian (northern dialects), Greek, Spanish, Dutch, German (Middle High German), Occitan, Esperanto, Gaelic (Scottish Gaelic), Catalan (Medieval), Navajo, Estonian, English (Middle English), Gaelic (Irish Gaelic), Filipino/Tagalog, Welsh, Chinese, Maori, Maltese, Other, Extremaduran, Inuktitut , Hindi, Afrikaans, Corsican, Breton, Thai, Cornish, Hawaiian, Javanese, Bulgarian, Ladin (Rhaeto-Romance), Nahuatl, Danish, Friulian, Slovenian, Turkish, Icelandic, Gaelic (Manx Gaelic), Japanese, Quenya, Arabic, Norwegian, Sindarin, Spanish (Old Castillian), Sardinian (southern dialects), Klingon, Swedish, Sesotho, Vietnamese, Malay, Slovak, Basque (Modern, Batua), Hungarian, Faroese, Croatian, Zulu
Holiday Music
Excellent Songs recommendation
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