Stone Sour Lyrics
Sadist [Serbian translation]
Uvenule oci te hvataju dok padas Gorki uzdisaj, niko se ne pomera Pusti me unutra, za jos jednu veliku sramotu Samo zaboravi na iste distrakcije, sa k...
Sailin' On lyrics
You don't want me anymore, So I'll just walk right out that door. Played a game right from the start, I trust you, you used me, now my heart's all tor...
Saturday Morning lyrics
Telephones and broken bones that's all I need Holding on to hold my own, it's holding me There's a girl who has a girlfriend and never rants It's Frid...
Saturday Morning [Spanish translation]
Telephones and broken bones that's all I need Holding on to hold my own, it's holding me There's a girl who has a girlfriend and never rants It's Frid...
Say You'll Haunt Me lyrics
Little supernovas in my head Little soft pulses in my dead Little souvenirs and secrets shared Little off guard and unprepared I was never good enough...
Say You'll Haunt Me [French translation]
Des petites supernovas dans ma tête De douces pulsations dans ma mort De petits souvenirs et des secrets partagés Un peu pris au dépourvu et à l'impro...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Greek translation]
Μικρές σουπερνόβες στο μυαλό μου Μικροί μαλακοί παλμοί στο πεθαμένο μου Μικρά σουβενίρ και μοιρασμένα μυστικά Λίγο απροετοίμαστος Δεν ήμουν ποτέ αρκετ...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Portuguese translation]
Pequenas supernovas em minha cabeça Pequenos pulsos leves em mim morto Pequenas recordações e segredos compartilhados Com a guarda um pouco baixa e de...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Romanian translation]
Mici supernove în capul meu, Mici, slabe pulsații în mortul meu (?) Mici amintiri și secrete împărtășite, Puțin cu garda jos și nepregătit. N-am fost ...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Russian translation]
Маленькие сверхновые в моей голове Мягкие пульсации в моем вакууме Короткие моменты и общие секреты Немного неожиданно и врасплох Я никогда не был дос...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Serbian translation]
Male supernove u mojoj glavi Sitni laki impulsi u mojoj smrti Mali podeljeni suveniri i tajne Malo nespremnosti i nepripremljenosti Nikada nisam bio d...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Spanish translation]
Pequeñas supernovas en mi cabeza Pequeños pulsos suaves en mi muerto Pequeños recuerdos y secretos compartidos Poco sin defensa y desprevenido Yo nunc...
Say You'll Haunt Me [Swedish translation]
Små supernovor i mitt huvud Små nätta pulsar i min död Små souvernier och hemligheter delade Lite ovaktat och oförberett1 Jag var aldrig bra nog för n...
Season In The Abyss lyrics
Razors edge Outlines the dead Incisions in my head Anticipation the stimulation To kill the exhilaration Close your eyes Look deep in your soul Step o...
Sillyworld lyrics
Freedom's just a word today Freedom's just a word When someone takes your word away it's seldom ever heard So take a sentence full of things you're no...
Sillyworld [Persian translation]
اين روزها آزادي تنها يك كلمه است آزادي تنها يك كلمه است وقتي كسي كلمه ات را ازتو بگيرد بعيد بنظر ميرسه كه ديگر شنيده شود پس يك جمله پر از چيزهايي بگو ...
Sillyworld [Serbian translation]
Sloboda je danas samo reč Sloboda je samo reč Kada ti neko oduzme reč Retko kad se ona čuje Zato uzmi rečenicu punu reči koje ne treba da kažeš Nastav...
Socio lyrics
I remember now, but I still have my doubts I think it's going to be today Everybody came, but it's just not the same Why did it have to be today? Now ...
Somebody Stole My Eyes lyrics
Waiting for the end of the world, stop We know just what to do Sit in the back, ready to rat Fuck this, fuck that, and fuck you too Gods and monsters,...
Song #3 lyrics
If you take a step towards me You will take my breath away So I'll keep you close and keep my secret safe No one else has ever loved me No one else ha...
Stone Sour
United States
Metal, Rock
Official site:
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