Paolo Meneguzzi Lyrics
Era stupendo [English translation]
There’s a part of me that it doesn’t know to remain silent when i see the hate that exists the pain, the poverty I see myself when i was i child that ...
Era stupendo [French translation]
Il y a une partie de moi Qui ne peut pas se taire Quand je regarde la haine qu'il y a La douleur, la pauvreté Je me revois enfant Courir dans le bleu ...
Era stupendo [German translation]
Es gibt ein Teil von mir Die nicht schweigen kann Wenn ich sehe die Hasse dass es gibt Schmerz, Armut Ich sehe mich als Kind Laufen in blau Es war wun...
Era stupendo [Hungarian translation]
Van egy olyan részem ami nem tud csendben maradni amikor nézem a gyűlölet létezését a fájdalom, a szegénység visszaemlékeztet a gyermeki önmagamra ami...
Era stupendo [Romanian translation]
Este o parte din mine Care nu poate sa taca Cand privesc ura care exista Durerea, saracia Ma revad copil Fugind in albastru Era minunat sa zbor de ase...
Era stupendo [Spanish translation]
Hay una parte de mí que no sabe callarse cuando miro el odio que existe, el dolor, la pobreza. Me vuelvo a ver yo de niño que corría por el cielo. Era...
Era stupendo [Spanish translation]
Hay una parte de mí que callarse no sabe cuando veo el odio que existe el dolor, la pobreza Me acuerdo, un niño yo que corría hacia el cielo azul Era ...
Era stupendo [Spanish translation]
Hay una parte de mi que no sabe callarse quando veo el odio que hay el dolor, la pobreza, me veo todavìa nino mientras corrìa en el blu Estaba estupen...
Federica lyrics
Esce nella notte mentre tu stai già dormendo Giù dalla finestra con l'agilità di un gatto Frustrata dalla vita e dal lavoro di ogni lunedì Lei sa camb...
Federica [English translation]
At night she goes out while you're already sleeping Out of the window with agility, like a cat would do Frustrated with life and every monday spent at...
Federica [Polish translation]
Wychodzi w nocy, gdy Ty już śpisz Skacze z okna ze zwinnością kota Sfrustrowana życiem i pracą w każdy poniedziałek Ona umie zmieniać tożsamość Obnaża...
Federica [Spanish translation]
Sale por la noche mientras tú ya estás durmiendo. Baja por la ventana con la agilidad de un gato. Frustrada con la vida y con el trabajo de cada lunes...
Forte lyrics
Sono solo disperato. Sono niente, senza te non vivo più. Hai deciso all'improvviso come un lampo ed io son caduto giù. Che grande dolore. Che gran dis...
Forte [English translation]
I'm only desperate. I'm nothing, I can't live without you anymore. You decided all of a sudden like a lightning and I was knocked down. What a great p...
Forte [Spanish translation]
Sólo estoy desesperado. No soy nada, sin ti no vivo más. Decidiste de repente como un rayo y yo me derrumbé. Qué gran dolor. Qué gran tristeza amarte....
Fragile lyrics
Ho sempre detto che la vita è imprevedibile Che la certezza è solo un’illusione fragile Finchè l’amore resta una promessa labile Sei sempre utile ma m...
Fragile [English translation]
I've always said that life is unpredictable That certainty is just a frail illusion Until love remains a fleeting promise You're always useful but nev...
Fragile [German translation]
Ich habe immer gesagt, dass das Leben unvorhersehbar ist Dass die Gewissheit nur eine labile Illusion ist Solange die Liebe ein labiles Versprechen bl...
Fragile Giulia lyrics
Giulia, non è facile Sopravvivere alle favole Diciott'anni no, non verranno più Dopo venerdì Giulia, i tuoi brividi Già diventano graffi e lividi Chiu...
Fragile Giulia [English translation]
Giulia, it's not easy Outliving fairytales Your 18th birthday won't be coming around anymore After friday Giulia, your shivers Are already turning int...
Paolo Meneguzzi
Italian, Spanish, French
Pop, Singer-songwriter
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Upper Falls lyrics
Tunnel lyrics
The Lottery lyrics
Together Burning Bright lyrics
6-6-Sick lyrics
The Taste Of Ink [Serbian translation]
The Ripper lyrics
The Taste Of Ink [French translation]
This Fire [Finnish translation]
Revolution lyrics
Popular Songs
With Me Tonight lyrics
The Nexus lyrics
The Mouth of the Canyon lyrics
The Bird And The Worm [Greek translation]
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Selfies In Aleppo lyrics
The Divine Absence [This Is Water] lyrics
The Lonely [French translation]
Sound Effects and Overdramatics lyrics
Yesterday's Feelings lyrics
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Play My Music [Turkish translation]
Why Do Fools Fall In Love lyrics
Μια φορά μονάχα φτάνει [Mia fora monaha ftanei] lyrics
To [To] lyrics
Play My Music [Serbian translation]
اگه یه روز [Age Ye Rooz] [Turkish translation]
Truth lyrics
آهوی وحشی [Ahooye Vahshi] [English translation]
دریغ [Darigh] [English translation]
Croatian Folk - Zvira voda iz kamena