Hillsong Church Lyrics
This I Believe [The Creed] [Chinese translation]
(第一节) 我永恒天父上帝 创造宇宙万有 全能父王 借以圣灵感孕 诞下爱子基督 我们的救主! (副歌) 我深信於聖天父王! 我信於祢儿主耶稣! 我信於祢的寶貴圣灵! 我神三而为一! 我深信耶稣死而复活! 我们也必复活! 因我深信耶稣荣耀之名! (第二节) 这审判和伸冤者 为我蒙受苦辱 全因祢宽恕我 ...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Korean translation]
영원하신 아버지 창조주 하나님 전능의 주 주의 성령으로 잉태된 주 예수 우리 구원자 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지 득생자 구주 얘수 성령 하나님 삼위일체,내가 믿사오며 몸이 다시 사는 것과 영원히 살 것을 예수 이름으로 믿습니다 심판자 또 구원자 십자가 못 박혀 죄를 사하셨...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Romanian translation]
Vers 1: Tatăl nostru cel veşnic Creator a toate Dumnezeule atotputernic Prin Sfântul Tău Duh Concepător al lui Hristos, Fiul Iisus, Salvatorul nostru!...
This I Believe [The Creed] [Ukrainian translation]
Куплет 1: Наш Отець вічний, Що все створив, Бог всемогутній. Через Твого Духа Святого Народив Христа, Сина, Ісуса, нашого Спасителя. Приспів: Я вірю в...
To the End of the Earth lyrics
Love unfailing Overtaking my heart You take me in Finding peace again Fear is lost in all You are And I would give the world to tell Your story 'Cause...
To the End of the Earth [Spanish translation]
Amor inagotable sobrecogiendo mi corazón Tú me refugias encontrando paz otra vez El temor se pierde dentro de lo que Tú eres y daría el mundo por cont...
Transfiguration lyrics
Verse 1: From the cloud You speak What was veiled, now is seen Jesus the image of, the invisible God Verse 2: Divinity confirmed in the transfigured w...
Transfiguration [French translation]
Verset 1: De la nuage vous parlez Ce qui était voilé, maintenant est vu Jésus: l'image du Dieu invisible. Verset 2: Le divinité est confirmé dans le m...
Transfiguration [Swedish translation]
Vers 1: Från molnet talar Du Vad var förtäckt, är nu sett Jesus är bilden av, den osynlige Gud Vers 2: Gudomlighet bekräftat i det förvandlade ordet E...
Transfiguration [Turkish translation]
Verse 1: Bulutların ardından konusuyorsun Örtülü olan şimdi görülüyor İsa görünmez Tanrı'nın suretidir Verse 2: Tanrısallık, tecelli kelimesinde doğru...
Transfiguration [Turkish translation]
Dize 1: Konuştuğun şu buluttan Örtülmüş olanlar, artık gözle görünüyor Hz. İsa, görünmez Tanrı'nın sureti Dize 2: İlahilik tasdik edildi, tecelli edil...
What A Saviour lyrics
Verse 1 What a Saviour my Redeemer Friend of sinners one like me Oh what kindness suffered violence Healed my blindness and set me free Chorus: (And) ...
With You lyrics
I will sing about everything you are on me. I will tell the world everything you've done in me. I stand on higher ground. I was lost, but now I'm here...
You lyrics
Verse 1: Invading all my weakness You wrapped me up in grace The worst of me succeeded by the best of You Verse 2 My heart is overtaken My soul is ove...
You [German translation]
Verse 1: Invading all my weakness You wrapped me up in grace The worst of me succeeded by the best of You Verse 2 My heart is overtaken My soul is ove...
You [Indonesian translation]
Verse 1: Invading all my weakness You wrapped me up in grace The worst of me succeeded by the best of You Verse 2 My heart is overtaken My soul is ove...
You Said lyrics
You said, Ask and you will receive Whatever you need You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven And I'll heal your land You said Your glory will fill th...
You Said [Chinese translation]
You said, Ask and you will receive Whatever you need You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven And I'll heal your land You said Your glory will fill th...
You Said [French translation]
You said, Ask and you will receive Whatever you need You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven And I'll heal your land You said Your glory will fill th...
You Said [German translation]
You said, Ask and you will receive Whatever you need You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven And I'll heal your land You said Your glory will fill th...
Hillsong Church
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