Worship Songs - Various Religions Lyrics
Eines Tages kam einer lyrics
Eines Tages kam einer, der hatte einen Zauber in seiner Stimme, eine Wärme in seinen Worten, einen Charme in seiner Botschaft. Eines Tages kam einer, ...
El cordero lyrics
Jesucristu taytayku, Dius yapaq Korderón runaqtaqa huchasninkuta Pampachaq kuyapayawayku. Jesucristu taytayku, Dius yapaq Korderón runaqtaqa huchasnin...
El gran yo soy lyrics
Me quiero acercar A tu lado estar Que el cielo sea real Y la muerte negar Quiero oír las voces De ángeles hoy Cantando unidos… Aleluya Santo, Santo Po...
Eres rey de los cielos/Jawua pachapi mandak lyrics
Glorioso Salvador Divino redentor Me pos-tra-re, ante ti Bendito hijo de Dios Hermoso rey de Sion Te ado-ra-re, y así declarare Eres rey de los cielos...
Everlasting God lyrics
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lord we will wait upon the Lord Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lo...
Everlasting God [Bengali translation]
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lord we will wait upon the Lord Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lo...
Everlasting God [Spanish translation]
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lord we will wait upon the Lord Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lo...
Famous One lyrics
(Chorus:) You are the Lord The famous one, famous one Great is your name in all the earth The Heaven's declare your glorious, glorious Great is your f...
Famous One [Serbian translation]
(Chorus:) You are the Lord The famous one, famous one Great is your name in all the earth The Heaven's declare your glorious, glorious Great is your f...
Famous One [Spanish translation]
(Chorus:) You are the Lord The famous one, famous one Great is your name in all the earth The Heaven's declare your glorious, glorious Great is your f...
Glorificate lyrics
Rey de gloria yo me rindo Rey del cielo levanto a Ti mi voz Que mi adoración sea grata a Ti. Mi deseo es adorarte Mi anhelo es tocar tu corazón Que mi...
Glorificate [English translation]
Rey de gloria yo me rindo Rey del cielo levanto a Ti mi voz Que mi adoración sea grata a Ti. Mi deseo es adorarte Mi anhelo es tocar tu corazón Que mi...
God is here lyrics
In Your presence, there is fullness of life Healing, flowing, body, soul and mind God of miracles, God of the impossible is here, God is here... Choru...
God is here [Spanish translation]
In Your presence, there is fullness of life Healing, flowing, body, soul and mind God of miracles, God of the impossible is here, God is here... Choru...
God of all lyrics
God of all, we come to praise You. We lift Your name on high in all the earth. God of all, we come to praise You. We lift Your name on high in all the...
God of all [Spanish translation]
God of all, we come to praise You. We lift Your name on high in all the earth. God of all, we come to praise You. We lift Your name on high in all the...
Great is the Lord lyrics
Great is the Lord He is holy and just By his power we trust in his love. Great is the Lord He is faithful and true By his mercy he proves he is love. ...
Great is the Lord [Chinese translation]
Great is the Lord He is holy and just By his power we trust in his love. Great is the Lord He is faithful and true By his mercy he proves he is love. ...
Great is the Lord [French translation]
Great is the Lord He is holy and just By his power we trust in his love. Great is the Lord He is faithful and true By his mercy he proves he is love. ...
Great is the Lord [Hungarian translation]
Great is the Lord He is holy and just By his power we trust in his love. Great is the Lord He is faithful and true By his mercy he proves he is love. ...
Worship Songs - Various Religions
English, Quechua, Spanish, Polish+19 more, Filipino/Tagalog, German, Swedish, Arabic, Tongan, Romanian, Chinese (Classical Chinese), Tagalog (dialects), Navajo, Icelandic, Chinese (Cantonese), Oromo, Chewa, Hindi, Chinese, Persian, French, Indonesian, Other
Excellent Songs recommendation
Ya no vivo por vivir lyrics
Send for Me lyrics
Ντιρλαντά [Dirlada] lyrics
Μόνο Εξ Επαφής [Mono Ex Epafis] [Bulgarian translation]
Μοιρασιά [Mirasia] [Transliteration]
Μόνο Εξ Επαφής [Mono Ex Epafis] lyrics
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [English translation]
Μοιρασιά [Mirasia] [English translation]
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [Transliteration]
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [Czech translation]
Popular Songs
Μόνο Εξ Επαφής [Mono Ex Epafis] [Italian translation]
He venido a pedirte perdón lyrics
Μόνο Εξ Επαφής [Mono Ex Epafis] [English translation]
Μόνο Εξ Επαφής [Mono Ex Epafis] [English translation]
Μοιρασιά [Mirasia] [Russian translation]
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [German translation]
Μόνο Αν Θες Εμένα [Mono An Thes Emena] [Turkish translation]
Μια Φορά Κι Έναν Καιρό [Mia Fora Ki Enan Kairo] [English translation]
כל הנשמה [Kol haneshama] lyrics
Μην Ανησυχείς [Min Anisihis] [Serbian translation]
Monthly Magazine Home (OST)
José Otero
Emmerson Nogueira
Lisa Lauren
DC Talk
Carl Perkins
Samet Tecer
Xavi The Destroyer
Uomo macchina [Spanish translation]
Una parola non ci scappa mai lyrics
Una rosa pericolosa [Greek translation]
Un'altra volta chiudi la porta [Spanish translation]
Una carezza in pugno [Spanish translation]
Vengo dal jazz [Bensonhurst Blues] [Spanish translation]
Un'altra ragazza lyrics
Vengo dal jazz [Bensonhurst Blues] [German translation]
Una rosa pericolosa [Russian translation]
Una luce intermittente [German translation]