Qntal Lyrics
Ab Vox D'Angel lyrics
Ab votz d'angel, lengu'espena, non bleza, ab motz sotils, plans plus c'obra d'engles, ben assetatz, ben ditz e sens repreza miels escoutatz, ses tossi...
Abaelard lyrics
Quibusdam quasi saltibus superni patris filius ad terrena venit e superis, spoliatis nunc redit tartaris. Ascendentem ad aethera nubes excepit lucida,...
Ad mortem festinamus lyrics
Scribere proposui de contemptu mundano Ut degentes seculi non mulcentur in vano Iam est hora surgere A sompno mortis pravo A sompno mortis pravo Vita ...
Ad mortem festinamus [English translation]
I proposed to write on the contempt of this world lest those who live wordy life shall daydreaming in vain It is time to wake from the wrong sleep of ...
Ad mortem festinamus [Russian translation]
О пороках мира напишу я, Дабы время даром не прошло Пришла пора очнуться От искажённого вечного сна От искажённого вечного сна Жизнь коротка, и вскоре...
Am morgen fruo [English translation]
When from the sod the flow'rets spring, And smile to meet the sun's bright ray, When birds their sweetest carols sing In all them morning pride of May...
Amis Raynaut lyrics
Quant vient en mai, que l'on dit as lons jors, Que Franc de France repairent de roi cort, Reynauz repaire devant el premier front. Si s'en passa lez l...
Amis Raynaut [Chinese translation]
当进入五月,所谓的长日来临, 法兰西的法兰克人从王庭归来, 雷诺走在第一排前; 他从爱伦堡的家门前经过, 但不屑于抬起自己的头颅。 哎,雷诺爱人,爱人雷诺! “这是您的错,皇帝的女儿, 您爱上了别人并忘掉了咱” 他不屑于抬起自己的头颅。 哎,雷诺爱人,爱人雷诺! “雷诺殿下,我会为自己辩解; 我将同...
Amor Volat lyrics
Amor volat undique; captus est libidine. iuvenes iuvencule que secuntur merito, si que sine socio. Amor tenet omnia, mutat cordis intima, querit Amor ...
Amor Volat [English translation]
Love flies from everywhere; it is seized with heart's desire. Boys and girls follow each other with reason when they are without a partner. Love takes...
Amor Volat [English translation]
Love flies everywhere; it is captured by desire. Young men and women, who are justly hurt, if they are without a partner. Love possesses everything, I...
Amor Volat [German translation]
Liebe fliegt von überall her; ergriffen wird sie mit Herzenslust. Burschen und junge Mädchen folgen einander mit Recht, wenn sie ohne Partner sind. Li...
Amor Volat [Russian translation]
Любовь летает повсюду; Пленённая страстью. Девушки и юноши Заслуженно страдают, Если они без партнёра. Любовь овладевает всем, Любовь проникает Прямо ...
Anc Non Lo Vi lyrics
Anc non lo vi e am lo fort, anc no n'aic dreyt ni no'm fes tort; quan non lo vey, be m'en deport, no'm pretz un jau, qu'ien sai gensor et bellazor, e ...
Black Death lyrics
No sai quora'm suy endurmitz ni quora'm velh, s'om no m'o ditz. Per pauc no m'es lo cor partiz d'un dol corau; e no m'o pretz una sauritz, per Sanh Ma...
Cupido lyrics
Stetit puella rufa tunica Si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit Stetit puella tamquam rosula Facie splenduit et os eius floruit
Cupido [French translation]
Stetit puella rufa tunica Si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit Stetit puella tamquam rosula Facie splenduit et os eius floruit
Cupido [Russian translation]
Stetit puella rufa tunica Si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit Stetit puella tamquam rosula Facie splenduit et os eius floruit
Cupido [Russian translation]
Stetit puella rufa tunica Si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit Stetit puella tamquam rosula Facie splenduit et os eius floruit
Departir lyrics
Cant voi l'aube du jour venir, Nulle rien ne doi tant haïr, K'elle fait de moi departir Mon amin, cui j'ain per amors. Or ne hais riens tant com le jo...
Latin, German (Middle High German), Occitan, French (Old French)+7 more, German, Galician-Portuguese, French (Middle French), English (Middle English), French, English, Italian
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Sean Paul - Naked Truth
احبك جدأ lyrics
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Transliteration]
지못미 [Apology] [jimosmi] lyrics
Bartali lyrics
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Romanian translation]
Send for Me lyrics
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Transliteration]
ЯТЛ [YATL] lyrics
Αν δεις καράβι να περνά [An dís karávi na perná] lyrics
Popular Songs
좋아해요 [Adore You] [joh-ahaeyo] [English translation]
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Russian translation]
줄게 [Just For You] [julge] lyrics
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Turkish translation]
Take You High lyrics
잊지마요 [Don’t Forget] [ij-jimayo] [Transliteration]
잊지마요 [Don’t Forget] [ij-jimayo] [English translation]
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Transliteration]
죽겠다 [KILLING ME] [juggessda] [Bulgarian translation]
Amantes de ocasión lyrics
Prince Fox
Tana Mongeau
The Waitresses
Elmira Galeyeva
Sun Nan
Elizeth Cardoso
Wherever You Go [Arabic translation]
All things change [Spanish translation]
La Virgen de la Macarena lyrics
Sydney lyrics
Buenos días Argentina lyrics
You're My Baby lyrics
Juliet [German translation]
Oh, Johnny lyrics
Mi manchi lyrics
Like A Fool lyrics