Jennifer Rush Lyrics
The Power of Love [Serbian translation]
Šaptaji ujutru Ljubavnika koji spavaju čvrsto Sada talasaju poput groma Dok te gledam u oči Držim se za tebe I osećam svaki tvoj pokret Tvoj glas je t...
The Power of Love [Spanish translation]
Los susurros en la mañana De amantes durmiendo apretados Ruedan como el trueno ahora Mientras miro en tus ojos. Me agarro a tu cuerpo Y siento cada mo...
The Power of Love [Turkish translation]
Sabah fısıltılar Güzelce uyuyan aşıkların Bir fırtına gibi geçip gidiyor Gözlerine baktığım gibi Bedenine tutunuyorum Ve yaptığın her hareketi hissedi...
Flames of Paradise lyrics
You're walkin' talkin' like a flame, baby You're walkin' talkin' like a flame, baby You're walkin' talkin' like a flame, baby (you're walkin' your tal...
Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday lyrics
Ooh, what happened to the world we knew When we would dream and scheme And while the time away Yester-me, yester-you, yesterday Where did it go, that ...
Same heart lyrics
Hey, oh It's been a long long time I was finally lettin' go I can't believe how it hurts just to see you smile So I've been on your mind Had to come b...
Same heart [German translation]
Hey, oh, Es ist eine ganze Weile her. Ich war endlich dabei loszulassen. Ich kann nicht glauben, wie es schmerzt, dich nur lächeln zu sehen. Ich war a...
25 lovers lyrics
Touchdown with your broken wing Give me your love and we'll begin To leave the past Time moves on much too fast. So give me your kick Don't be so shy....
25 lovers [German translation]
Lande mit deinem gebrochenen Flügel Schenk mir deine Liebe und wir werden Die Vergangenheit hinter uns lassen Die Zeit vergeht viel zu schnell Also ze...
25 lovers [Serbian translation]
Sleti sa svojim slomljenim krilom Daj mi svoju ljubav i počni dobro Da ostaviš prošlost iza sebe Vreme prebrzo prolazi Pa, udari me Ne stidi se I upot...
A broken heart lyrics
A broken heart’s a bird without wings to fly With all your mind it can’t be denied A broken heart’s the darkest hour before the dawn Why is it you’re ...
A broken heart [German translation]
Ein gebrochenes Herz ist ein Vogel ohne Flügel, Mit all deinem Verstand kannst du das nicht leugnen. Ein gebrochenes Herz ist die dunkelste Stunde vor...
A broken heart [Serbian translation]
Slomljeno srce je ptica bez krila Uz svo tvoje mišljenje to se ne može poreći Slomljeno srce je najmračniji sat pred zoru Zašto si ostao usamljen u ra...
All I want is you lyrics
A thousand faces, a thousand shores Thousands of miles apart So many places, too many shores Still I hear the sound of your heart Beating, now hear mi...
All I want is you [German translation]
Tausend Gesichter, tausend Ufer Tausende von Meilen voneinander entfernt So viele Orte, zu viele Ufer Ich höre immer noch, wie dein Herz schlägt Höre ...
All I want is you [Hungarian translation]
Ezernyi arc, ezernyi part Ezernyi mérföld távolságban Annyi hely, olyan sok part Még hallom a szív hangját Dobog, most halld az enyém vérzik Mindig, m...
All I want is you [Serbian translation]
Hiljadu lica, hiljadu obala Hiljadama milja razdvojeni Toliko mesta, previše obala Još uvek čujem zvuk otkucaja tvoga srca Čuj sada moje krvarenje Uve...
All in love is fair lyrics
All is fair in love Love’s a crazy game Two people who to stay In love as one, they say But all is changed with time The future none can see The road ...
All in love is fair [German translation]
Alles ist gerecht in der Liebe Liebe ist ein verrücktes Spiel Zwei Leute, die in der Liebe Eins werden, sagen sie Aber alles ändert sich mit der Zeit ...
All in love is fair [Serbian translation]
Sve je pravično u ljubavi Ljubav je luda igra Dvoje ljudi koji ostanu U ljubavi kao jedno, kažu Ali sve se vremenom menja Budućnost niko ne može da vi...
Jennifer Rush
United States
English, Spanish, German
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Cypher #2 [Transliteration]
Pleister vir my Hart [Spanish translation]
Dunhill lyrics
GRhyme [Transliteration]
Денят на страшния съд [Denyat na strashniya sǎd] lyrics
Леш [Lesh] lyrics
Ето [Eto] lyrics
Без да искам [Bez da iskam] lyrics
회전목마 [Carousel] [hoejeonmogma] [English translation]
А/Б [A/B] lyrics
Popular Songs
Track8 [Transliteration]
Денят на страшния съд [Denyat na strashniya sǎd] [Transliteration]
Happy END [Transliteration]
Ежедневие [Ezhednevie] lyrics
Track8 [English translation]
뒤돌면 모든 길이 추억이라 [Everything Is Memorable] [dwidolmyeon modeun giri chueogira] lyrics
Без дубликат 2 [Bez dublikat 2] [Transliteration]
Клинична пътека [Klinichna pǎteka] lyrics
Bomb The System [Transliteration]
Pretoria lyrics
The Fault in Our Stars (OST)
Barbara Lynn
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Isaak Dunayevsky
Nexhmije Pagarusha
Pabllo Vittar
Instruktsiya po Vyzhivaniyu
Egor i Opizdenevshie
Balsam Range
Ne Yapsin [English translation]
İsyankar lyrics
İtirazım var [Persian translation]
Konuşsana Birtanem [Russian translation]
Kaç Kadeh Kırıldı [Albanian translation]
Nereden Sevdim O Zalimi lyrics
Meselem [English translation]
Te deseo lo mejor lyrics
Hangimiz Sevmedik [Croatian translation]
Konuşsana Birtanem [Arabic translation]