Band of Horses Lyrics
The Funeral [Greek translation]
Έρχομαι μόνο και μόνο για να σε ρίξω Έρχομαι μόνο και μόνο για να σου δείξω ότι είσαι λάθος Και το να σε μάθω είναι σκληρό και αναρωτιόμαστε Το να σε ...
The Funeral [Hungarian translation]
Nyersfordítás, nem művészi (a forrás pontatlan, billion day funeral, stb): Csak azért szólalok fel, hogy elfojtsalak, Csak azért szólalok fel, hogy me...
The Funeral [Hungarian translation]
Feljövök hogy megtartsalak alulról Feljövök hogy megmutassam neked a rosszat És hogy tudd, erős vagy, azon csodálkozunk Hogy mind rosszak vagytok, mi ...
The Funeral [Italian translation]
Vengo da te solo per sentirmi superiore, vengo solo per farti capire che sbagli. Conoscerti è difficile, chissà... Conoscerti male, lo diciamo. Ooh, O...
The Funeral [Italian translation]
Sto venendo solo per abbatterti Sto venendo solo per mostrarti che sbagli E conoscerti è difficile e ci domandiamo se riconosci quanto in torto eravam...
The Funeral [Portuguese translation]
Eu só tô vindo até aqui pra te segurar abaixo E só tô vindo até aqui pra mostrar que você tá errado E te conhecer é difícil; a gente se pergunta... Te...
The Funeral [Spanish translation]
He venido solo para reprimirte He venido solo para demostrar que estás equivocadO Y ya que conocerte es difícil y nos preguntamos Si reconoces lo equi...
The Funeral [Turkish translation]
Yukarı sadece seni toprağın altında tutmak için geliyorum Yukarı sadece yanıldığını göstermek için geliyorum Merak ediyoruz; seni tanımak zor Uyarıyor...
The Funeral [Turkish translation]
Sadece seni altta tutmak için geliyorum Sadece seni haksız çıkartmak için geliyorum Ve seni bilmek zor ve merak ediyoruz Seni tümüyle yanlış bilmek, ö...
The Great Salt Lake lyrics
Back of the boat was painted wrecking-ball There was country music playing but he don't like it all And red fire poppin' on the rained-down woody Ther...
Band of Horses
United States
Rock, Pop-Rock, Indie
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Two Worlds Collide [Turkish translation]
[You're the] Devil in Disguise lyrics
Two Pieces [Turkish translation]
Yo No Soy Tu Marido lyrics
Unbroken lyrics
U Got Nothin' On Me lyrics
Trainwreck lyrics
Too Much Love [Turkish translation]
U Got Nothin' On Me [Swedish translation]
Two Worlds Collide [Hungarian translation]
Popular Songs
Blue Hawaii lyrics
Two Pieces lyrics
Two Worlds Collide [Belarusian translation]
Two Pieces [Hungarian translation]
Trainwreck [Turkish translation]
Two Worlds Collide [Swedish translation]
Two Worlds Collide [Spanish translation]
Two Pieces [Swedish translation]
Two Worlds Collide [French translation]
Two Worlds Collide lyrics
Agnes Baltsa
Altin Sulku
Eric Burdon and the Animals
John Mamann
Barack Adama
Ionuț Galani
À La Carte
Mac Tyer
DARA (Moldova)
No Exit lyrics
Digo Lo Que Pienso [English translation]
Electro Movimiento [English translation]
El Baile de los Pobres [English translation]
Eléctrico lyrics
발코니 [Le balcon] [English translation]
ואיך אומר [Comment lui dire] [Ve'ech Omar] lyrics
Digo Lo Que Pienso lyrics
ヴェローナ [Vérone] [Vuerōna] [English translation]
베로나 [Vérone] [Berona] lyrics