Birdy Lyrics
Let It All Go lyrics
No me puedo dormir No me he sabido encontrar Yo esperándote aquí A que me des la señal There's a light on the road And I think you know Morning has co...
Let It All Go [German translation]
Ich kann nicht schlafen, Ich wusste nicht, wie man findet. Ich warte hier auf dich, Dass du mir ein Zeichen gibst. Da ist ein Licht auf der Straße, Un...
[So] Be Free lyrics
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
[So] Be Free [French translation]
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
[So] Be Free [German translation]
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
[So] Be Free [Greek translation]
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
[So] Be Free [Persian translation]
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
[So] Be Free [Spanish translation]
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
[So] Be Free [Turkish translation]
The rain falls to the ground. So much harder when you're not around. 'Cause my love for you Is so strong, but is yours really true? You said you loved...
Birdy - 1901
Counting all different ideas driftin' away Past and present they don't matter, not if you just sort it out Watch her moving in elliptical pattern Thin...
1901 [Croatian translation]
Brojeći sve različite ideje koje se udaljavaju prošlost i sadašnjost nisu bitne,ne ako ih ti samo razvrstaš Gledaš je kako se kreće u eliptičnoj putan...
1901 [French translation]
Je compte toutes les différentes idées qui s'éloignent Le passé et le présent n'ont aucune importance,pas si tu t'en occupes Regarde leur mouvement da...
1901 [German translation]
Ich zähle all die verschiedenen Ideen, die davonziehen. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zählen nicht mehr, nicht, wenn du es einfach aussortierst. Sehe si...
1901 [Greek translation]
Μετρώντας όλες τις διαφορετικές μεταξύ τους ιδέες καθώς αυτές παρασύρονται μακριά Το παρελθόν και το παρόν δεν έχουν σημασία, όχι αν τα ξεκαθαρίσεις Δ...
1901 [Hungarian translation]
Számolni az összes különböző ötletet, ahogy elsodródnak Múlt és jelen nem számít, nem ha csak kiválogatod Nézni, ahogy elliptikus mintában mozog Amit ...
1901 [Kazakh translation]
алыс та әр түрлі идеялар санау сіз жай ғана оны сұрыптау, егер олар жоқ маңызды емес, өткен және қазіргі эллипс Үлгіде оның енуін Watch Сіз бұл жолы т...
1901 [Portuguese translation]
Contando todas as ideias diferentes afastando-se Passado e presente não interessam,não se tu os identificares Observa-a a mover-se num padrão elíptico...
1901 [Spanish translation]
Contando todas las diferentes ideas distanciándose El pasado y el presente no importan, no si los pones en orden Mírala moverse en un patrón elíptico ...
1901 [Turkish translation]
Sayılan bütün farklı fikirler sürüklenip gidiyor Geçmiş ve bugün, onlar önemli değil, eğer sadece düzeltmezsen.. Onun dairesel seyirlerle hareket ediş...
All About You lyrics
Why does she make sure to be so immature about these things, I don’t want you to change around it And sometimes this love will end and all will be for...
United Kingdom
English, Spanish
Folk, Pop, Pop-Folk, Singer-songwriter
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Excellent Songs recommendation
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Atwa [Greek translation]
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Atwa [French translation]
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Aerials [Turkish translation]
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Atwa [Russian translation]
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Atwa [Spanish translation]
Aerials [Russian translation]
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Talk lyrics
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Roman Mihailovic
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Marc Cohn
Faith (OST)
Isaak Dunayevsky
Drumsound and Bassline Smith
Be Your Self (OST)
Krisia Todorova - И аз съм тук [I az sym tuk]
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Джиесем [GSM] lyrics
Circle lyrics
Casarme Contigo lyrics
El Firulete lyrics
I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket lyrics
Проплывают облака [Proplyvayut oblaka] lyrics
Судили парнишку [Sudili Parnishku] lyrics
Маслице [Maslitze] lyrics