Les Rita Mitsouko Lyrics
Mandolino City [English translation]
And already, at school, it was a real craze for your shoes the black leather ones with pointed ends, the coups and the tricks, bullshit without intere...
Mandolino City [English translation]
And before, at school, It was a real passion, for your shoes, the ones with the black leather, with pointed tips, The blows and the mess, Bistouille* ...
Même si lyrics
Si quelque vent du nord bien féroce De ses rafales gelées glaçait ton cÂœur Ou qu'une brise encore , bien belle gosse Tramontane idéale allumait ton a...
Même si [English translation]
If the north wind bows ferociously, The freezing gusts freeze your heart, Or another breezze, a good-looking kid The ideal Tramontaine illuminates you...
Minuit dansant lyrics
Midnite dancing oh! tout le monde danse! Midnite dancing chacun tape des mains Midnite dancing on se sourit Cause it's midnite Cause it's... midnite C...
Nuit d'ivresse lyrics
Ils sont parfaits l'un pour l'autre Ils sont parfaits, ils sont parfaits Toute la nuit il faut qu'ils se vautrent Ils sont parfaits, ils sont parfaits...
Nuit d'ivresse [English translation]
They are perfect for each other, They are perfect, they are perfect, All night they have to sprawl on one another, They are perfect, they are perfect ...
Oum Khalsoum lyrics
Avez-vous vu Ce chameau dum dum Le seul qui n'ait pas connu Oum Khalsoum ? Comment auriez-vous souhaité Recontrer cet endroit ? Et qu'est-ce que vous ...
Oum Khalsoum [English translation]
Have you seen This camel dum dum The only one who did not know Oum Khalsoum? How would you have liked to have known this place? And what do you think ...
Restez avec moi lyrics
Reste encore un peu avec moi Restez encore un peu dans mon lit Je suis si bien contre toi Reste encore un peu ne t'en vas pas Ooh, what to say? Ooh, o...
Les Rita Mitsouko - Singing in the Shower
It was only a lover's game Now we're trapped in the world of our dreams All the same as the evenings rain All the same as the sound of the sea I, I, I...
Someone to Love lyrics
I found someone to love I found someone I found someone to love I found someone Quelqu'un pour rire Quelqu'un pour parler Quelqu'un pour se battre Que...
Stupid Anyway lyrics
I tried every man But I'm stupid anyway I got every man And I'm stupid anyway I tried them night and day Even I got money I say I tried every man But ...
Tonite lyrics
Tonite You just wanna go to my house You just wanna go to my bed And I don't care Oh tonite You think I like your love You... na na na to disturb Oh t...
Triton lyrics
Lyrics to Triton : Je sortai au petit matin Je marchais sur la plage Quand les dunes, le vent dans les pins, montraient plus d'un seul visage, les éto...
Triton [English translation]
I left early in the morning, I walked on the beach Where the dunes, the wind in the pines show more than one face (?) The stars in the sky were taking...
Triton [English translation]
I left early in the morning, I walked on the beach Where the dunes, the wind in the pines Will show itself more than a single glance The stars in the ...
Un soir, un chien lyrics
Si tu viens me retrouver N'oublie pas tes petits souliers N'oublie pas de les lacer serrés Avec les chevilles entravées Ah, qu'est ce que tu me plais ...
Un soir, un chien [English translation]
If you come to find me Do not forget your little shoes Do not forget to tie them tight With tied ankles Ah, what do you like me! At your feet I will b...
Vol de nuit lyrics
J'ai d'une abeille Ceinturée d'or Et d'acier trempe Telle un guerrier... ah ah Elle avait sur les ailes Un filet de mailles plombées Telle un bombardi...
Les Rita Mitsouko
French, English, German
Alternative, Progressive rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Cocky Want A Cracker lyrics
Colours lyrics
Why Don't You Kiss Her? lyrics
Bij jou alleen lyrics
C'est qui ces deux-là ? lyrics
Quando nella notte lyrics
Sweet Surrender lyrics
A Sailor Went To Sea/Hornpipe lyrics
Я это вижу [Ya eto vizhu] lyrics
Бързо по гръб [Barzo po grab] lyrics
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Una carezza in pugno [French translation]
Una festa sui prati [English translation]
Un'altra ragazza [German translation]
Valeva la pena [English translation]
Un sole caldo, caldo [German translation]
Una luce intermittente [English translation]
Un sole caldo, caldo [English translation]
Una notte vicino al mare [Greek translation]
Hope We Meet Again lyrics
Una rosa pericolosa [English translation]