The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (OST) Lyrics
Ash and Smoke lyrics
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [Arabic translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [Croatian translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [English translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [French translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [Hawaiian translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [Romanian translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Ash and Smoke [Tongan translation]
Ristais dúath Nerchennin o chuil Coll am1 na waewath goeyl Tellin i Neder Gurth renia Meditha han phan Meditha ardhon 1. choral starts from "am"
Bilbo's Song lyrics
Im nauthon nan naur nu ngilith O naid i gennin im O lyth e-barth a gwilwilith Ne laer i vanner lim O lhiath a golas malen Ne daint i lais gwennin Na c...
Bilbo's Song [Croatian translation]
Im nauthon nan naur nu ngilith O naid i gennin im O lyth e-barth a gwilwilith Ne laer i vanner lim O lhiath a golas malen Ne daint i lais gwennin Na c...
Bilbo's Song [English translation]
Im nauthon nan naur nu ngilith O naid i gennin im O lyth e-barth a gwilwilith Ne laer i vanner lim O lhiath a golas malen Ne daint i lais gwennin Na c...
Bilbo's Song [French translation]
Im nauthon nan naur nu ngilith O naid i gennin im O lyth e-barth a gwilwilith Ne laer i vanner lim O lhiath a golas malen Ne daint i lais gwennin Na c...
Bilbo's Song [Tongan translation]
Im nauthon nan naur nu ngilith O naid i gennin im O lyth e-barth a gwilwilith Ne laer i vanner lim O lhiath a golas malen Ne daint i lais gwennin Na c...
For Frodo lyrics
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
For Frodo [Croatian translation]
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
For Frodo [English translation]
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
For Frodo [French translation]
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
For Frodo [Romanian translation]
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
For Frodo [Spanish translation]
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
For Frodo [Tongan translation]
Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín Gerin le beriad Le beriathon Le annon vegil nín Cyll e-Gorv Le annon beth nín Ú-erir aen han risto Ú-erir aen han pr...
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (OST)
Sindarin, English, Quenya
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Ой люлі-люлі, налетіли гулі [Версія 4] [Oy lyuli-lyuli, naletily huli] [Russian translation]
Сорока-ворона [Версія 1] [Soroka-Vorona [Versiya 1]] lyrics
Ой люлі-люлі, налетіли гулі [Версія 3] [Oy lyuli-lyuli, naletily huli [Versiya 3]] lyrics
Там, где клён шумит [Tam, gde klyon shumit] lyrics
Скачу, скачу діда [Skachu, skachu dida] [Russian translation]