DJ Sava Lyrics
Aer [Russian translation]
Ты не знаешь, не знаешь, ох Как много ты значишь Как долго я тебя искала. Ты не знаешь, не знаешь, ох Что я не знала ничего До того момента, пока тебя...
Aer [Russian translation]
Ты не знаешь, не знаешь, Как много для меня значишь, как долго я тебя искал. Ты не знаешь, не знаешь, Что я не знал ничего до тех пор, пока тебя не вс...
DJ Sava - Aroma
Raluka: Şi sunt vise, interzise Unde te găsesc, cum îmi doresc Dar sunt vise, mult prea triste Căci mă trezesc, lângă ce nu iubesc Mă întreabă ce să-i...
Aroma [English translation]
RALUKA: There are dreams which are prohibited Where I find you the way I want to But these dreams are far too sad Because I wake up next to someone I ...
Aroma [English translation]
Raluka: There are also forbidden dreams, In which I find you the way I'm longing to you, And these dreams are way too sad As I wake up next to someone...
Aroma [Italian translation]
Raluka: Ci sono sogni proibiti Dove ti ritrovo come desidero Ci sono anche sogni troppo tristi Di quelli dove mi sveglio accanto a quello che non amo ...
Aroma [Kurdish [Kurmanji] translation]
Raluka: Û xewnên qedexe hene Dema cîhê hesreta te dikêşim bibînim Lê ev xewn pirî xemgîn in Dema li cem kesekî hez nakim hişyar bibim Min meraq dike e...
Aroma [Russian translation]
Мечты запрещены, Где тебя искать, когда желаю. Мечты очень печальны, Ведь я просыпаюсь около того, кого не люблю. Мне интересно, что сказать ей, Я нич...
Aroma [Serbian translation]
Raluka: Postoje i zabranjeni snovi Gde te tražim kako želim Ali ima snova, previše tužnih Zato što se budim pored onoga kojeg ne volim Pita me šta da ...
DJ Sava - Aroma [English Version]
Hey..., Ohh..., Yes I'm dreaming, Only dreaming, Its Forbidden Now, 'Cause I feel you out, Still I'm dreaming, Only dreaming, 'Cause I wake up now, Wh...
DJ Sava - I Like the Trumpet
One time in the place Two time up on your face Don't make me put The Bamboo club on you boy ... Dj Sava & Raluca Rappin'on Production Suddenly C to th...
DJ Sava - Te Strig
De ce taci tu, haide spune? Spune ceva, doare linistea. Ce mai faci tu si pe unde Iti umbla inima, cand nu e a mea? Langa tine, singura de prea mult t...
Te Strig [English translation]
Why you are so silent, tell me! Say something, the silence hurts. How are you and where Does your heart go, when it's not with me? Next to you, alone ...
Te Strig [English translation]
Why don't you say anything, tell me! Say something, the silence hurts. How are you and where Does your heart go, when it's not with me? Next to you, a...
Te Strig [Italian translation]
Perché stai zitto, dai, dimmi? Dì qualcosa, il silenzio fa male. Come stai e dove cammina il tuo cuore, quando non è con me? Vicino a te, sola da molt...
Te Strig [Russian translation]
Почему ты молчишь, скажи что-нибудь. Скажи что-нибудь, тишина ранит. Как дела у тебя, и где Блуждает твоё сердце, когда оно не моё? Возле тебя, одинок...
DJ Sava - Bailando
Bailando yo por conocer amor así Te dedico mi tiempo toda mi vida, mi vida Te doy mi corazón amor, amor, te doy mi corazón Ella mueve su cintura al ri...
Bailando [English translation]
DANCING (feat.Hevito) Dancing I know what love is .. like this I dedicate my time , All my life my life You are my heart .love love ,I will give you m...
Bailando [English translation]
Dancing to meet love like this I dedícate you my time, my life, my life I give you my heart my love, my love I give you my heart She moves her hips to...
Bailando [Italian translation]
Ballando saprò cos è l'amore, così Ti dedico il mio tempo, tutta la mia vita, la mia vita Ti do il mio cuore, amore, amore, ti do il mio cuore Lei muo...
DJ Sava
English, Romanian, Spanish
Dance, Pop, Electronica
Official site:
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