Eivør Lyrics
Elskaði [Icelandic translation]
Ástkær, nóttin var okkar Eldur og leikur Morguninn er lykill Milli hlýja líkama okkar Ástkær, Ég er stend við ána Speglað og falið Ég leggja hendur ni...
Elskaði [Norwegian translation]
Åstkjære, Natti var ókkas Eld og speil Morgonen ein lykil Mellom heit kroppar Åstkjæra, Eg stend ved elvi Spegla og skiten Dryper hendurna ned i Føler...
Elskaði [Swedish translation]
Älskade Natten var vår Eld och spel Morgonen en nyckel Mellan heta kroppar Älskade Jag står vid ån Speglad och förvriden Doppar ner händerna Varsnar k...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine lyrics
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [Czech translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [French translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [German translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [Greek translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [Italian translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [Russian translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Even If The Sun Don't Shine [Spanish translation]
Please, wait for me, I will wait for you. Even if the sun don't shine Even if the sun don't shine. Time will heal the night We will be alright. Even i...
Faithful Friend lyrics
My faithful friend Where did you go? I think I forgot, To let you know That I am grateful For all those nights When we talked about nothing 'Till the ...
Faithful Friend [Czech translation]
Můj věrný příteli, Kam jsi šel? Myslím, že jsem zapomněla Dát ti vědět Že jsem vděčná Za všechny ty noci, Kdy jsme si povídali o ničem Až do úsvitu Zt...
Faithful Friend [French translation]
Mon fidèle ami, Où es-tu parti ? Je pense avoir oublié De te dire Combien je suis reconnaissante Pour toutes ces nuits passées À parler de tout et de ...
Faithful Friend [German translation]
Mein treuer Freund Wo bist du hingegangen? Ich glaube, ich habe vergessen Dir zu sagen Dass ich dankbar bin Für all diese Nächte In denen wir bis zum ...
Faithful Friend [Italian translation]
Mio fedele amico, dove sei andato? Penso che abbia dimenticato di farti sapere Che sono grata per tutte queste notti quando parlavamo del nulla fino a...
Faithful Friend [Polish translation]
Mój wierny przyjacielu, dokąd odszedłeś? Chyba zapomniałam ci powiedzieć, że jestem wdzięczna za te wszystkie noce, gdy rozmawialiśmy o niczym do same...
Faithful Friend [Russian translation]
Мой лучший друг Куда идёшь? Забыла, по-моему, Тебя известить Что благодарна За ночи все Как болтали ни о чём До света зари Нить потерять Времени Можеш...
Faithful Friend [Spanish translation]
Mi fiel amigo A dónde te fuiste? Creo que me olvidé De contartelo Que estoy agradecido De todas esas noches Cuando hablábamos de nada Hasta la luz del...
Falling Free lyrics
Your eyes tell me stories that I can understand I have seen the future written in your hand. Now I surrender I am falling down Hoping you will catch m...
Faroe Islands
English, Faroese, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish
Alternative, Folk, Pop, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Secrets from a Gril [Who's seen it All] lyrics
Ievan polkka [English translation]
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Juodaan viinaa [English translation]
Mina - It's only make believe
Ievan polkka [Esperanto translation]
Juomamaa [English translation]
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Journey Man [Russian translation]
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Ievan polkka [English translation]
Juuret lyrics
Jouni Jouni lyrics
Ένας Έρωτας Φτηνός [Enas Erotas Ftinos] lyrics
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Не теряй меня [Ne teryay menya] lyrics
Ievan polkka [Portuguese translation]
The Lighthouse Keeper lyrics
Kädet siipinä lyrics
Loba lyrics
A Day In The Life
The Fureys
Emilia Ottaviano
Cassandra Raffaele
Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas
Giovanni D'Anzi
The Cookies
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Un bacio lyrics
Io voglio di più lyrics
Dans l'espace
Les Ponts-de-Cé lyrics
On My Way lyrics
Seeb - What Do You Love
Wach auf, meins Herzens Schöne lyrics
Отречение [Otrecheniye] lyrics
uputada merre lyrics