Mike Posner Featuring Lyrics
DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2010 [Don't Stop the Pop]
Don't stop the pop! Can't stop the clock So baby, let's go! I wanna celebrate And I don't want the party to stop Hey, ayo Tonight we can get a little ...
DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2016 [Into Pieces]
Whole year put you in the worst mood, ah It's hard sometimes, It can hurt you, ah Wouldn't get the song If you wouldn't listen Wouldn't get the song, ...
With Ur Love lyrics
[Intro: Cher Lloyd] Da da da da dum dum, da dum dum Da da da da dum dum, da dum dum Da da da da dum dum, da dum dum Da da da da dum dum [Verse 1: Cher...
With Ur Love [Hungarian translation]
[ Cher Lloyd] Bébi, Te vagy a legjobb, mert kiismertél Állandóan falakt építek fel, de Te lerombolod őket Harcolok, nem akarlak kedvelni, de Te tudod,...
With Ur Love [Portuguese translation]
Baby você é o melhor Porque você me entende Eu continuo a construir muros Mas você os derruba Eu estou lutando Eu não quero gostar Mas você sabe que e...
Remember I Told You lyrics
[Nick Jonas:] Remember I told you, I need you Remember the spotlight, what's that? All of the words that I'm saying Are just a fancy way of saying "I ...
Remember I Told You [Romanian translation]
[Nick Jonas:] Amintește-ți ți-am spus, am nevoie de tine Amintește-ti de lumina reflectoarelor, ce-i aia? De fiecare cuvânt, pe care l-am spus E un mo...
Remember I Told You [Serbian translation]
Сети се да сам ти рекао, да ми требаш Сети се средишта пажње, шта је то? Све речи које ја кажем Су само кул начин да се каже "Брига ме" Не верујем да ...
Remember I Told You [Slovenian translation]
NICK JONAS: Zapomni si da sem ti povedal, potrebujem te Zapomni si luči, kaj to je? Vse besede ki jih izgovorim Si samo luštna pot ki govori "Skrbim" ...
Remember I Told You [Turkish translation]
[Nick Jonas:] Sana söylediğimi hatırla, sana ihtiyacım var Sahne ışığını hatırla, o ne? Söylediğim tüm sözler "Seni önemsiyorum" demenin sadece süslü ...
Ambiguous lyrics
[Mike Posner] Hahahah Yo clinton, it kinda sounds like we should hit them with that So ambiguous Nah? Well alrite [Chrous] She loves me, she's loves m...
Smoke And Drive lyrics
[Chorus: Mike Posner] Roll the windows up when you get in the car, and I'mma light one up Hit the gas station go and buy a cigar and a philly blunt Ev...
Take Me Away lyrics
Take me away. (way way way way way way) Take me away. (way way way way way way) Take me away. (way way way way way way) Pick your plant it, break it, ...
Who knows lyrics
[Intro:] Press play press play... [Chorus:] Sometimes my mind wanders away from me... I know I like my tachi up tough maybe one day I'll fly... Who kn...
Live Before I Die lyrics
[Verse 1: Mike Posner] I stopped smoking weed a year ago Maybe I'm less cool now, I don't know But I talk to pretty girls now Instead of sitting there...
Live Before I Die [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1: Mike Posner] Egy éve abbahagytam a fű szívását, talán kevésbé vagyok menő emiatt, nem tudom, de most szóba elegyedek szép csajokkal ahelyett...
Live Before I Die [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1: Mike Posner] Ot içmeyi bir yıl önce bıraktım. Belkide şuan daha az havalıyım,bilmiyorum Ama şuan güzel kızlarla konuşuyorum, uyuşturucunun e...
Closer lyrics
All I really know is that I felt OK When I met you in April You were looking like me I know you like to run girl So go on and set the pace The liquor ...
Obvious lyrics
Where do I turn to? Girl if it ain't you Why you be playing these games? And all of my friends say That you are sus, but Girl I still fuck with you ei...
Obvious [Turkish translation]
Nereye dönüyorum? Kızım, eğer sen değilsen Neden bu oyunları oynuyorsunuz? Ve tüm arkadaşlarım söylüyor Sen şüphelisin, ama Kızım, ben hala seninle öy...
Mike Posner
United States
Hip-Hop/Rap, House, Pop
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Ya No Tiene Novio [English translation]
Ya No Tiene Novio [Croatian translation]
Ya No Tiene Novio [Portuguese translation]
Mes Mains lyrics
Kikuo - あなぐらぐらし [anagura-gurashi]
Dis à ton capitaine lyrics
Vuelve [Romanian translation]
Ya No Tiene Novio [Polish translation]
Pesnya proshcheniya [Песня прощения] V2 lyrics
Vuelve [Russian translation]
Popular Songs
Ya No Tiene Novio [Czech translation]
Pépée lyrics
Лудост е [Ludost e] lyrics
Ya No Tiene Novio lyrics
Vuelve lyrics
La oveja negra lyrics
Vuelve [Czech translation]
Same Girl lyrics
バツ猫 [Batsu Neko] lyrics
Koyê Dêrsim zaf berzo lyrics
Bruno Lomas
Rab Noakes
Takagaki Ayahi
I Ragazzi della Via Gluck
Maxim (Romanian band)
Toni Arden
Diana di l'alba
We Come, O Christ, to You lyrics
Christian Hymns & Songs - What a Friend We Have In Jesus
When We All Get to Heaven lyrics
Victimæ Paschali Laudes lyrics
You Are Holy [Chinese translation]
You are Alpha & Omega [French [Haitian Creole] translation]
What a Mighty Wonder lyrics
With Humble Heart [Tongan translation]
You Are Beautiful [Spanish translation]
When I See Your Love lyrics