Sabaton Lyrics
A Light in the Black [French translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [German translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Hungarian translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Italian translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Russian translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Serbian translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Spanish translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Swedish translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Turkish translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
A Light in the Black [Ukrainian translation]
A cry for help, a distant whisper A foreign nation calling our name Sent to hell, to reach for heaven To serve in dark, as light in the black Sent int...
Aces In Exile lyrics
In the skies above the isle, Aces in exile prevail From near and far they arrived, joined the force Ready to serve the allied command Sent into traini...
Aces In Exile [Croatian translation]
Nebom nad otokom protjerani asevi vladaju Sa svih krajeva su došli, pridružili se sili Spremni služiti savezničkom zapovjedništvu Poslani na obuku mad...
Aces In Exile [Finnish translation]
Taivaalla saaren yllä ässät maanpaossa hallitsevat. Läheltä ja kaukaa he ovat saapuneet, liittyneet voimiin. Valmiina palvelemaan liittoutuneita Lähet...
Aces In Exile [French translation]
Dans le ciel au dessus de l'île, les As en exil dominent De près et de loin ils sont arrivés, ont rejoint la force Prêts à servir le commandement alli...
Aces In Exile [German translation]
In den Himmeln über der Insel obsiegen Fliegerasse im Exil Von Nah und Fern kamen sie an, traten den Streitkräften bei Bereit, dem alliierten Kommando...
Aces In Exile [Greek translation]
Στους ουρανούς επάνω απ'το νησί, εξόριστοι Άσοι1 κυριαρχούν! Από κοντά και από μακριά έφτασαν2, συμμάχησαν με τις δυνάμεις Έτοιμοι να υπηρετήσουν τη δ...
Aces In Exile [Polish translation]
Nad wyspy niebem, Asy na uchodźstwie zwyciężają Przybyli z bliska i daleka, dołączyli do sił Gotowi, by służyć pod Aliantów dowództwem Wysłani, by ćwi...
Aces In Exile [Portuguese translation]
Nos céus acima da ilha, ases em exílio prevalecem De perto e longe eles chegaram, se juntaram á força Prontos para servir o comando aliado Enviados ao...
Aces In Exile [Russian translation]
В небесах над островом, летчики-асы одерживают победу. Они прибыли из близких и дальних стран, присоединились к войскам, Готовы служить командованию с...
Aces In Exile [Spanish translation]
En los cielos sobre la isla, ases en el exilio prevalecen De cerca y de lejos ellos llegaron, se unieron a la fuerza Listos para servir al comando ali...
English, Swedish, Latin
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