EDEN Featuring Lyrics
Osg16 lyrics
10 diamanti non mi bastano per stare bene La vita è un gioco che ha per tutti lo stesso finale Puntuale si presenta il vuoto che spezza le ossa E ho p...
Osg16 [Dutch translation]
[Ultimo] 10 diamanten zijn niet genoeg om me goed te voelen Het leven is een spel dat voor iedereen hetzelfde einde heeft Punctueel presenteert de lee...
Stomach It
I felt a break in a sacred place where your hands don't heal These are the reasons you're ruled by the things you feel Out of the deep waters and all ...
Stomach It [Dutch translation]
Ik voelde een breuk in een heilige plaats waar je handen niet helen Dit zijn de redenen dat je wordt geregeerd door wat je voelt Uit de diepe wateren ...
Stomach It [Greek translation]
Ένιωσα ένα σπάσιμο σε ένα ιερό μέρος όπου τα χέρια σου δε θεραπεύουν Αυτοί είναι οι λόγοι που κυβερνάσαι απ'τα πράγματα πουν νιώθεις Πέρα απ'τα βαθιά ...
Stomach It [Italian translation]
Ho sentito una crepa in un luogo sacro dove le tue mani non possono guarirmi Queste sono le ragioni per cui sei comandato dalle cose che provi Fuori d...
thinking 2 much
[Verse 1: Jeremy Zucker] I was unimportant You were just a friend No one even noticed We would just pretend [Chorus: Jeremy Zucker] But oh god, this s...
thinking 2 much [Croatian translation]
Bio sam nebitan Bila si samo prijateljica Nitko nije primijetio Samo bismo se pravili Ali oh bože, ovo je sjebano Uvijek, previše misliš Dušo, uspori,...
thinking 2 much [Dutch translation]
[Couplet 1: Jeremy Zucker] Ik was niet belangrijk Je bent gewoon een vriend Niemand merkt het op We willen alleen doen alsof [Refrein: Jeremy Zucker] ...
thinking 2 much [French translation]
[Verset 1: Jeremy Zucker] J'étais sans importance Tu n'étais qu'une amie Personne n'a même pas remarqué On ne ferait que faire semblant [Refrain: Jere...
English, Japanese, French
Alternative, Electronica, Electropop, Folk, Hip-Hop/Rap, Indie,
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Ojos azules [German translation]
Ariel Ramírez - Misa Criolla
Mi unicornio azul [Russian translation]
Ojos azules [French translation]
Mi unicornio azul [French translation]
Silvio Rodríguez - Mi unicornio azul
Me gustan los estudiantes [English translation]
Los Reyes Magos [French translation]
Αν δεις καράβι να περνά [An dís karávi na perná] lyrics
Misa Criolla [Hebrew translation]
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Poema 16 lyrics