Avatar Lyrics
Something in the Way
Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings fr...
A Secret Door lyrics
I'm blown away Like a layer of dust on the floor of the hall where we first met Trust was the first thing we lost that day You asked where to stay You...
A Secret Door [Turkish translation]
Uçup gittim, İlk tanıştığımız salonun zeminindeki bir toz tabakası gibi Daha o gün kaybettiğimiz ilk şey güven oldu Nerede kalacağını sordun Yapman ge...
A Statue Of The King lyrics
On this glorious day we're all citizens By all your warrior's names we swear diligence Lay the first stone we lay at your feet All the world trembles,...
A Statue Of The King [French translation]
En ce jour glorieux nous sommes tous citoyens Par les noms de tous tes guerriers nous jurons diligence Pose la première pierre que nous posons à tes p...
A Statue Of The King [Russian translation]
В этот славный день все мы, граждане, Всеми твоими воинскими званиями - клянёмся в усердии, Положив первый камень, мы лежим у твоих ног, Весь мир треп...
A Statue Of The King [Turkish translation]
Bu muhteşem günde hepimiz vatandaşız Tüm savaşçılarınızın isimlerine göre özen gösteriyoruz Ayağının altına serdiğimiz ilk taşı ser Bütün dünya titriy...
Black Waltz lyrics
I entered the house On the hill one day Trying my best just to get away No one was home But the voices were clear They let me know I was welcome here ...
Black Waltz [French translation]
Je suis entré dans la maison Un jour sur la colline En faisant de mon mieux pour partir Personne n'était là Mais les voix étaient claires Elles me fir...
Black Waltz [Turkish translation]
Eve girdim Bir gün tepenin oradaki Kaçmak için elimden geleni denedim Kimse evde yoktu Fakat sesler gayet netti Benim bilmemi sağladılar Ben hoş gelmi...
Black Waters lyrics
I'm gonna pull you down I'll take you where it hurts I'm going to wear the crown of the king of tainted unnatural birth And the sun has failed It does...
Blod lyrics
Förbannade Jävla Idiot! Har Du Någon Aning Om Vad Du Ställt Till Med? Tusen Som Faller Ett Kort Steg För Dig Men En Stor Jävla Smäll För Hela Mänsklig...
Blod [English translation]
Bloody fucking idiot! Do you have any idea of what you have done? Thousands that are falling A short step for you But a big fucking whack for all of h...
Bloody Angel lyrics
How can I sleep? When everyone else turns to dust How can I breathe? When my mouth is filled with their ashes Another day lost, Trying to exit the pro...
Bloody Angel [Finnish translation]
Miten voin nukkua? Kun kaikki muut tuhkaksi muuttuvat Miten voin hengittää? Kun suuni on täytettynä heidän tuhkista Toinen päivä menetetty, Yrittää po...
Bloody Angel [French translation]
Comment puis-je dormir ? Quand tous les autres deviennent poussière Comment puis-je respirer ? Quand ma bouche est pleine de leurs cendres Un autre jo...
Bloody Angel [Greek translation]
Πώς να κοιμηθώ Όταν όλοι οι υπόλοιποι γίνονται σκόνη; Πώς ν' αναπνεύσω Όταν το στόμα μου είναι γεμάτο από τις στάχτες τους; Άλλη μια μέρα χαμένη, Προσ...
Bloody Angel [Portuguese translation]
Como posso dormir Quando todos ao meu redor se tornam pó? Como posso respirar Quando minha boca está cheia com suas cinzas? Outro dia perdido Tentando...
Bloody Angel [Russian translation]
Как же мне спать? Когда все вокруг стали пылью. Как мне дышать? Храню прах я всех, кто здесь были. Изо дня в день. В попытках сбежать от системы. Я ви...
Bloody Angel [Turkish translation]
Nasıl uyuyabilirim ki? Herkes toza toprağa dönüşürken Nasıl soluk alabilirim? Ağzımın içi onların külleriyle dolup taşmışken Diğer gün kayıp, Programı...
English, German (Swiss-German/Alemannic), Swedish, German
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Orinoco Flow [Tongan translation]
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Orinoco Flow [Hungarian translation]
Orinoco Flow [Serbian translation]
Only Time [Ukrainian translation]
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Orinoco Flow [Croatian translation]
Only Time [Swedish translation]
Only Time [Romanian translation]
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Only Time [Turkish translation]
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'O surdato 'nnammurato
Orinoco Flow [Russian translation]
Only Time [Serbian translation]
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CARA (Italy)
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Schenk mir ein altes Grammophon [English translation]
Spusti se na zemlju lyrics
Slika s mature [Russian translation]