Merle Haggard Also Performed Pyrics
Bo Chatman - Corrine Corrina
Corrine, Corrina, where you been so long? Corrine, Corrina, where you been so long? I ain't been no loving since you been gone. Corrine, Corinna, wher...
Corrine Corrina [German translation]
Corrine, Corrina, wo warst du so lang? Corrine, Corrina, wo warst du so lang? Ich habe nicht mehr geliebt, seit du gegangen bist. Corrine, Corinna, wo...
Charles Hart - Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Tonight I'm downhearted For though we have parted I love you and I always will And while I'm so lonely I'm writing you only To see if you care for me ...
Are You Lonesome Tonight? [German translation]
Tonight I'm downhearted For though we have parted I love you and I always will And while I'm so lonely I'm writing you only To see if you care for me ...
David Houston - Almost Persuaded
Last night all alone in a barroom Met a girl with a drink in her hand She had ruby red lips coal black hair and eyes That would tempt any man Then she...
Almost Persuaded [German translation]
Letzte Nacht, ganz alleine in einer Bar, Traf ich ein Mädchen mit 'nem Drink in der Hand. Sie hatte rubinrote Lippen, kohlschwarz das Haar und Augen, ...
I'd Trade All of My Tomorrows
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday 'Cause what good is life without the one you love I'd trade all of my tomorrows, they're worthles...
I'd Trade All of My Tomorrows [German translation]
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday 'Cause what good is life without the one you love I'd trade all of my tomorrows, they're worthles...
Townes Van Zandt - Pancho and Lefty
Living on the road, my friend Was gonna keep you free and clean Now you wear your skin like iron; Your breath's as hard as kerosene You weren't your m...
Pancho and Lefty [German translation]
Das Leben auf der Straße, mein Freund, Sollte dich frei und sauber bewahren. Jetzt trägst du deine Haut wie Eisen, Dein Atem ist hart wie Kerosin. War...
Pancho and Lefty [Greek translation]
Το να ζεις στο δρόμο, φίλε μου Θα σε κρατούσε ελεύθερο και καθαρό Τώρα φοράς το δέρμα σου σαν σίδερο Και η ανάσα σου είναι σκληρή σαν κηροζίνη Δεν ήσο...
Pancho and Lefty [Turkish translation]
Yollarda yaşamak, dostum Özgür ve temiz olmanı sağlayacaktı senin Ama şimdi tenin demir gibi Kerosen misali ağır olmuş nefesin 1 Tek çocuğu değildin a...
Jerry Jeff Walker - Railroad Lady
[Chorus:] She's a railroad lady, just a little bit shady She's spend her whole life on the trains She's a semi good-looker, but the fast rails they to...
Hobo Bill's Last Ride lyrics
Ho-o-bo-o Billy Riding on an eastbound freight train Speeding through the night Hobo Bill, the railroad bum Was fighting for his life The sadness of h...
Hobo Bill's Last Ride [German translation]
Ho-o-bo-o Billy Unterwegs auf einem Güterzug nach Osten, In rasender Fahrt durch die Nacht, Befand sichHobo Bill, der Eisenbahntramp, Und kämpfte um s...
If We Make It Through December
If we make it through December Everything's gonna be alright, I know It's the coldest time of winter And I shiver when I see the falling snow If we ma...
If We Make It Through December [Turkish translation]
Eğer Aralık'ı atlatabilirsek Her şey iyi olacak, biliyorum Kışın en soğuk zamanındayız Ve yağan karı gördüğümde titriyorum Eğer Aralık'ı atlatabilirse...
Japanese Bluegrass Band - Nobody's Darling But Mine
Come and sit by my side, little darling Come and lay your cool hand on my brow Promise me that you will never Be nobody's darling but mine You're as s...
Nobody's Darling But Mine [German translation]
Come and sit by my side, little darling Come and lay your cool hand on my brow Promise me that you will never Be nobody's darling but mine You're as s...
Rollin' With the Flow lyrics
Once was a thought inside my head 'Fore I'd reach thirty I'd be dead Now somehow on and on I go I keep on rollin' with the flow Folks said that I woul...
Merle Haggard
United States
Country music
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Excellent Songs recommendation
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Help Me to Help Myself lyrics
You Are Holy lyrics