Becky Hill Lyrics
Remember lyrics
I'm doing just fine now it's over I’ve been moving on and living my life But occasionally I lose composure And I can't get you out of my mind If I cou...
Forever Young
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst Are you gonn...
Caution To the Wind lyrics
I wear my heart on my sleeve, but not for show And I find it hard to leave and let go I don't know when to bite my tongue The words just kinda flow An...
Caution To the Wind [Bulgarian translation]
Показвам чувствата си, но не за показност. Трудно ми е да си тръгна и да се откажа. Не знам кога да замълча, думите просто излизат. Предполагам, че пр...
Changing lyrics
[Snippet] Circles start then have no end I chase my tail to who knows where, I don't know Cause I got my hands out in the dark, trying to talk to God ...
I Could Get Used to This lyrics
I'd forgotten the time love didn't frighten me Been careful with my trust Now we're together, you keep reminding me It's not you, it's not me, it's us...
I Could Get Used to This [Bulgarian translation]
Бях забравила за времето, когато не се плашех от любовта. Внимавах на кого се доверям. А сега сме заедно, напомняш ми, че вече няма само "ти" или "аз"...
Losing lyrics
Someone in the world tonight Is dancing on their own, Trying hard to get it right Tired of being alone, Un-spread open wide Face up to the sky There's...
Losing [Bulgarian translation]
Тази вечер някой, някъде по света танцува сам и опитва да разбере. Уморил се е да бъде сам. Широко разперил ръце и лице вдигнато към небето. Няма нико...
Losing [Spanish translation]
Está noche, alguien, en alguna parte del mundo Está bailando con los suyos, Inténtando arduamente hacerlo bien Cansado de estar sólo, Sin abrirse comp...
Only Love lyrics
I'm feeling like there's something pushing me close Yes I'm falling, tempted by the lights and the smoke I have never been to a place where I feel I b...
Becky Hill - Piece Of Me
When I look back to before We were together There was no pressure No pain, just pleasure We were young, you took my breath and Filled your lungs up I ...
Piece Of Me [Bulgarian translation]
Спомням си за миналото - с теб бяхме заедно. Нямаше напрежение, нито болка, само удоволствие. Бяхме млади. Ти спираше дъха ми и пълнеше дробовете си. ...
Rude Love lyrics
Every time I call you on the phone You're with your new girl What's the deal with that? What about me and what I want? Can't take it, I need your affe...
Rude Love [Bulgarian translation]
Всеки път щом ти звъня по телефона, ти си с новата си приятелка. Защо така? Ами аз и това, което аз искам. Не издържам повече, нуждая се от милувките ...
Sunrise In the East lyrics
[Verse 1] Couple more minutes, couple more hours This conversation Tell me your secrets, tell me your powers Can we be patient? It's getting late, but...
Sunrise In the East [Bulgarian translation]
[Първи куплет] Още няколко минути, още няколко часа. Този разговор. Кажи ми тайните си, кажи ми силните си страни. Не може ли да бъдем търпеливи? Став...
Through the Night lyrics
Up till the ungodly hours I can't seem to stop thinkin' 'bout us Salt in my tears now I'm sour Don't know how to let you go So I cry to the moon In th...
Warm lyrics
Never felt like this before Got them grey clouds hanging over me Got caught up in the downpour Need an umbrella to get underneath And maybe I don’t kn...
Warm [Bulgarian translation]
Никога преди не съм се чувствала по този начин. Над главата ми има мрачни облаци.1 Започна да вали из ведро и имам нужда да се скрия. Не знам какво пр...
Becky Hill
United Kingdom
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Mi amor es más joven que yo [Polish translation]
Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] [French translation]
Mi amor es más joven que yo lyrics
Milonga [Portugês] lyrics
Mi Buenos Aires querido [English translation]
Mis recuerdos lyrics
Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] [Spanish translation]
Moi Je T'aime [Arabic translation]
Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] [Portuguese translation]
Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] [English translation]
Popular Songs
Momentos [English translation]
Momentos lyrics
Mis recuerdos [English translation]
Milonga lyrics
Moliendo café [English translation]
Mis recuerdos [Polish translation]
Minueto [Polish translation]
Milonga sentimental [Romanian translation]
Milonga sentimental [English translation]
Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind [Hey] lyrics
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Resistenza lyrics
دریغ [Darigh] [Italian translation]
Pedro Capó - Como lo hiciste ayer
اگه یه روز [Age Ye Rooz] [French translation]
Murmúrios lyrics
Την πίκρα μου να βαπτιστείς [Tin píkra mοu na vaptistís ] lyrics
Thinkin' Bout You [Greek translation]
Ασφαλώς και δεν πρέπει [Asfalós kai den prépei] lyrics
اگه یه روز [Age Ye Rooz] [Transliteration]
Play My Music [Greek translation]