Joe Lyrics
Joe - Stutter
Baby don't go, baby don't go, baby don't go. Talk to me, tell me, where you were (late last night), You told me, with yer friends, hanging out (late l...
No One Else Comes Close lyrics
When we turn out the lights The two of us alone together Something's just not right But girl, you know That I would never ever let another's touch Com...
I Believe In You
I never believed in dreaming It never got me very far I never believed that love could find me Like an arrow through the heart. I never believed in mi...
I Believe In You [Hungarian translation]
Sosem hittem az álmodozásban Sosem vitt túl messzire Sosem hittem, hogy a szerelem rám találhat Mint egy nyíl a szívemen keresztül. Sosem hittem a cso...
i wanna know lyrics
I Wanna Know lyrics Yeah, oh yeah Alright, oh, oh, oh It's amazing how you knock me off my feet, hmm Everytime you come around me I get weak, oh yeah ...
i wanna know [Russian translation]
Я хочу знать! Да, оо да... Все отлично! Удивительно, как ты сбиваешь меня с ног, ммм... Каждый раз, когда ты рядом, у меня пропадают силы, о, да... Я ...
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