John Mark McMillan Also Performed Pyrics
Jesus Culture - How he loves
He is jealous for me Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these...
How he loves [Chinese translation]
他妒忌我, 愛就像龍捲風,我是一棵樹, 在他仁慈的風中折腰, 突然間,我沒有為意榮耀所投下的苦難, 我才了解到你有多美, 你對我的影響有多大。 噢,他是如何愛我們 , 噢,他是如何愛我們 , 他是如何愛我們。 是的,他愛我們, 噢,他是如何愛我們 , 噢,他是如何愛我們 , 噢,他是如何愛。 所以我...
How he loves [Italian translation]
Lui è geloso per me L'amore è come un uragano, io sono un albero Che si piega sotto il peso del Suo vento e della Sua misericordia Quando tutto ad un ...
How he loves [Persian translation]
او به من حسادت می کند عشق به مانند گردباد است، من یک درخت هستم که زیر سنگینی باد و رحمتش خم شده ام هنگامی که به طور ناگهانی، من بی خبر از اینم که نور ...
How he loves [Portuguese translation]
Ele tem ciúmes de mim O amor é como um furacão, eu sou uma árvore Dobrando-se sob o peso de seu vento e misericórdia Quando de repente, eu estou desap...
How He Loves Us
He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree, Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy. When all of a sudden, I am unaware of the...
How He Loves Us [Dutch translation]
Hij is naijverig om mij Hij heeft lief als een orkaan, ik ben een boom Die buigt onder het gewicht van Zijn wind en genade. Als ik plotseling / Deze p...
John Mark McMillan
United States
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