Merk & Kremont Lyrics
Hands Up
Hey, I'm standing in the bed we made Guessing that we felt apart, I'm kicking all the sheets away Oh, I'm jumping off a sinking ship I guess this is w...
Hands Up [German translation]
Hey, I'm standing in the bed we made Guessing that we felt apart, I'm kicking all the sheets away Oh, I'm jumping off a sinking ship I guess this is w...
Hands Up [Russian translation]
Hey, I'm standing in the bed we made Guessing that we felt apart, I'm kicking all the sheets away Oh, I'm jumping off a sinking ship I guess this is w...
Numb lyrics
[Verse 1: SVEA] Hey, babe, where you at? I'm at the club out in the back Oh, yeah, are your friends there? Won't you bring them and meet me here Okay,...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] lyrics
A sad story, might find it boring Lost his Mum to a drug named heroin Father's gone, so Grandma's left with everything Two grandkids and a daughter's ...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Bulgarian translation]
Тъжна история, може да я намерите за скучна Изгубил е майка си заради дрога, наречена хероин Баща му го няма, така че всичко остана за баба Два внука ...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Hungarian translation]
Egy szomorú történet, talán unalmasnak találod Elvesztette az anyját egy drog miatt, heroinnak hívják Apja meghalt, szóval a nagymama maradt mindennel...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Italian translation]
Una storia triste, potresti trovarla noiosa Ha perso sua madre a causa di una droga chiamata eroina Il padre se n'è andato, quindi la nonna è stata la...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Persian translation]
داستان غم انگیزیه، شاید به نظرت خسته کننده بیاد ماجرای پسری که مامانش از هروئین کشیدن مرد باباشم رفته بود، برای همین مادربزرگش موند و دو تا نوه و تابو...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Romanian translation]
O poveste tristă s-ar putea să fie plictisitoare Și-a pierdut mama de la un medicament numit heroină Tatăl său a plecat, așa că bunica a plecat cu tot...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Russian translation]
Печальная история, может показаться скучной Он потерял свою маму из-за наркотика, которые кличут Героином. Его отец оставил семью, так что бабушке ост...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Serbian translation]
Tužna priča, možda će ti biti dosadna Izgubio je mamu zbog droge zvane heroin Otac je otišao, pa je baki ostalo sve Dva unuka i ćerkin sanduk Nisam ga...
Sad Story [Out Of Luck] [Turkish translation]
Üzücü bir hikaye, sıkıcı bulabilirsin Heroin adında bir uyuşturucudan annesini kaybetti Babası yok, büyükannesi her şeyi alıp gitti İki torununu ve kı...
Sushi lyrics
Double one, double one Yes, I'm the plug with the goods I'm the one They try to take but they can't put a bun on um They trynna make moves, Imma stun ...
Merk & Kremont
English, Italian
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Професор [Profesor] lyrics